Thursday, September 27, 2012

Aries the Ram

Are you impulsive, warm and generous, have un-parallelled confidence?
Perhaps you are an Aries. Perhaps? perhaaaaaps?

Aries is the Ram and the first sign of the zodiac representing birth. Look at that firey thing below! If that's not warm, I don't know what is.

Dates: March 21 - April 19

Symbol: Ram
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Action: Cardinal

Aries is the symbolic newborn baby of the zodiac, (how precious)....and much like a newborn, Aries can be mainly focused on their own needs. Their whims come first. They can't help it, it's just how they operate. You wouldn't fault a baby for asking for milk, now would you? That's what I thought.

And much like a newborn you can rest assured there's nothing ill intended about Arien actions. They are optimistic and idealistic and may just be a little impulsive with the actions they take to get to their end goal. It might be wise to get behind an Aries if you want someone to help you plow forward. I'm just sayin'.

Anyone who has an Aries friend 'tell it like it is', is aware of their refreshing bluntness and honesty. We all need that in our life - and for Aries folks it comes from a good place. Gotta just keep that in mind next time you are taken aback by an Arien that tells you "that shirt looks like crap." Change the shirt and thank the Aries person for telling you something no one else had the balls to. Thanks Aries!

All signs of the zodiac have several symbols which represent it.

A Symbol (which is a Ram for the Ariens)
An element: That'd be fire, water, earth or air
A planet or celestial body
An action: mutable, fixed, or cardinal (meaning to drive forward)

Aries is represented by the planet Mars (the God of war), the element of fire and is a cardinal sign. It doesn't get much more action oriented and forward moving than that. . . (In the positive and negative sense of the words.) Aries are the leaders of the zodiac.

An Aries man is said to be the most passionate of the signs.  But don't ever make the first move.

He is also idealistic in love and about his woman. He wants to believe she doesn't wear mud masks and that her skin is naturally just that soft - you get the idea.

An Aries Woman, wants to be the leader but is also very loyal. She is a warm, generous, might have to remind herself not to get her own doors and sometimes doesn't understand if a man doesn't fall for her charms. Now that is true self confidence.

Sound like you? Yes? No.... ok then.

I would like to issue a caveat. Many of these descriptors come from my head and from books/ websites etc that I have read. This is also a bit of a Cliff Notes version of the book "Linda Goodman's Sun Signs," and um,  Google's recommended websites :). If you are wanting to read a bit further on your signs or other folks - I highly recommend the afore-mentioned book. It was right on for me!

If this is your first time reading: check out the prior post about your signs and chart....then come here.

I'll be posting each day about a new sign.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's more than just 'hey baby what's your sign'

I posted last time about some pretty complicated goings on in the sky which could explain away 'a hard week.' told me that you enjoyed the post but were utterly confused SO, I thought I'd simplify and start from the very beginning. Your sign....and your chart.

Most people are most familiar with their Sun sign. That is determined, simply, by your birthday. You are an Aries, a Taurus, etc (see the bottom of this post in case you don't know your Sun sign). This is the sign you refer to when describing yourself or flipping to the astrological predications section of a magazine or website.

But you know as well as I do, there are more than just 12 personality types in this world and not everyone born in say, July, is the same. So I have an explanation for that....your astrological chart! Each of us not only has a birthDAY, but a time, and a place. And these details help determine our charts.
Here is why: the sun isn't the only 'planet' in the sky right? And yeah, got it, I know the sun isn't technically a planet, but you see what I mean. There is also Venus, Mars, and the questionable Pluto and the non-planet Moon. All of these celestial bodies effect us, what happens here on earth and because they were all in certain positions in the sky at your birth, all these celestial bodies play as much a part of your personality as your Sun sign.

Each planet in your chart was in a certain sign at the time of your birth. While the Sun may have been in Gemini (which is your Sun sign), the Moon may have been in Aries, Mercury maybe was in Taurus, Jupiter in Cancer etc. Each of those planets.....represent a different aspect of your life (from your emotions, to your money, to your love life and passion) and the sign that they are in is HOW you operate in THAT area of your life.

THIS is a chart....

I think that is enough to take in for now? yes?....But  in the next week or so, I will post a short description of the 12 astrological sun signs and some key traits. See if they match up!

Then we'll dig into you chart. . .

Aries:  March 21 - April 19
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Leo: July 23 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - September 23
Libra: September 24 - October 23
Scorpio: October 24 - November 22
Sagittarius: November 23 - December 222
Capricorn: December 23 - January 20
Aquarius: January 21 - February 19
Pisces: February 20 - March 20