Wednesday, March 26, 2014

You feeling it?

Yes. I talk about energy and what it FEEEEEELs like out there. It's hippy dippy. It's new agey. I am SORRY!

Actually I'm not sorry. When y'all start to get stressed out, you're gonna like the validation, I promise!
But seriously - any of you guys feeling this changing, shifting, energy? I sure as hell am! Where is stable ground???

My favorite astrology sites have been talking up the craziness of April 2014 since last Fall. I've written about eclipses before. They happen twice a year and they create shifts and changes. And depending on which signs these eclipses fall within determines where the change might happen in your life and gives an overall theme to the eclipses. But the reason that these upcoming April eclipses are so buzzed about is because there is also an additional rare element called a Cardinal Grand Cross involved. Let me explain a little more. . .

Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto form a cross when the first two and last two planet sit across from each other. Opposition causes tension and conflict. And the astrological Cardinal signs involved in this whole deal are the signs that represent primal action, moving forward, pioneering ahead. They ALL initiate change. There are no fixed signs involved and no mutable signs. All the hard core instinctual action takers are on deck. Those signs are Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Libra. To add to that, those signs also represent "Myself (I)" "Home" "Career" and "Relationships (We)" respectively. Ummm, that's kind of your whole life in a nutshell that is represented in this cross - this action / changing / 'moving forward' aspect in the sky.

All this sets us all up to have some pretty drastic - (possibly much needed but unexpected) - change in our lives. And this aforementioned cross is in its exact formation on April 23-24.

The Full Moon and New Moon eclipses involved happen on April 15 (Full Moon in Libra) and April 29 (New Moon in Taurus). I'll keep you posted on those. But you can see that all this is happening in one big chunk, right in the middle of April!

Interestingly enough in my life, my parent's birthdays are both the key dates of April 15 and 24. They are about to make one of the biggest changes in 30 years by moving from their long time home. It's a huge emotional and physical change for them. I just see lots of 'coincidences' floating around with dates and things lining up during this time.

So if you are "feeling it" right now, you might just be tuning into this building energy that will culminate in April. Perhaps solid things are sliding away or adjusting every so slightly to make room for the Universe to shift you? The firm and solid in your life is probably starting to 'heat up' to make you more malleable.

We are feeling the heat bubbling from this volcano about to blow in April. But not to worry. I believe worry is a total waste. Volcanoes create the most beautiful land formations after all is said and done AND we can't control it …even if we tried.

Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii

So stay tuned for more change in your life! I will try and keep posting to keep you updated. I would love to hear how it might be effecting you!