Thursday, June 12, 2014

Freaky Friday Full Moon

There's nothing freaky about this Friday the 13th Full Moon. Sorry for the misleading headline.

Tomorrow's non-freaky Full Moon occurs while the Sun is in Gemini and the Moon is in Sagittarius.
As I've written about before, Full Moons are culminations of events and when things come to a head. And as we integrate these two signs, Gemini and Sagittarius, into the interpretation of this monthly astrological event, we can kind of imagine that the ideas and elements the signs represent are facing off to one another. They are representing a contrast of ideas.

Sagittarius, the sign that represents travel and seeking out knowledge encourages us to think broader, higher, and become that more erudite person. (I was really dying to use erudite here and sound, well….erudite.) Gemini juggles a million ideas at once. He's dying to know a little about everything and as fast as possible…you could use the phrase, "a jack of all trades and a master at none." He's in the details, which yes, in their own time are important as well. But opposing this, Sagittarius may be asking us to drop the handfuls of details we are currently focusing on and step back to look at the big picture. Let's use our intuition and drop the analytics.

Sagittarius also is known for being blunt and getting straight to the point. So perhaps we can imagine that we are on a journey and constantly looking at our compass, analyzing the path, looking down for rocks, thinking about whether the contents of our lunch will be enough to sustain us….and suddenly someone slaps the bottom of our chin so we suddenly stop and look up! AH HA! We finally see the grander view. And we might realize that we don't need a lunch packed at all, or that there are other signs besides a compass and rocks to guide us. Epiphanies tend to slap us upside the head. So with this full moon perhaps Sagittarius will guide you to your epiphany and give you the a big wide perspective.

Say thanks to Gemini for inspiring you to watch the details to get from here to there, but don't forget to look up every now and again to get perspective.