Monday, December 22, 2014

Saturn shifts into Saggitarius

My friends are noticing again that something is shifting! So it seemed like time for another post.
And how appropriate that a few of them have picked up on FIRE! I will explain below....

December 23rd, Saturn the task master planet shifts out of water sign Scorpio where it has been since November 2012. For the past two plus years, we've had a personal trainer (Saturn) kicking our asses when it comes to our psyches (think scuba diving in deep deep water). That murky part of your being is ruled by Scorpio and we've been asked . . .  er uhhhh FORCED . . . to take a look at our habits, patterns, deep rooted nature and a more psychological view of ourselves. You should be able to look back and see emotional growth in your life through hard lessons.

Are you ready for a break from the emotion and over thinking? Me too! And you get one for 29 years!

Saturn changes signs every 28-29 years and rotates through the 12 signs.

Next up on its list: Sagittarius. . .

We are already climbing out of the watery swamps of Scorpio and into the fire and hit land tomorrow.  Can you feel the warmth? Are you starting to dry off? Sagitarrius is a positive, happy, optimistic sign and truthfully blunt. Sag strives to keep an eye on the horizon throughout the journey and have a big picture vision of what it wants. It sometimes skips the details and nicities and gets right to it. End Goal!? Big Vision!? That's Sag. Sag is fiery, competitive, philosophical, focused on core beliefs, frank and direct.

But what happens when this cheerful archer meets up with the school of hard knocks Saturn?
Will our plans to reach our warm sunny visions be stopped in their tracks by our eternal boot camp instructor? No, not quite.

However, Saturn may notice that we've been dreaming, scheming, and creating a vision of what we want without writing detailed specifics on paper and he is going to ask us to do just that. Saturn will get all up in that fiery vision of the future and ask you to answer all the hard questions on HOW you will accomplish this and if it is indeed what you truly want. Marching forward towards the distant mountains is all well and good, but Saturn is going to make sure you truly understand what it takes to get there and test your beliefs, philosophies and ideas around your plans.

While Scorpio felt like a trip to a therapists office, Sagittarius is all about creation.  Fire can symbolize burning away old standing buildings and making room for new, or forging together hot metal to build solid structures. We can even think of a volcano, it erupts and destroys, but creates new land formations with its hot lava flow. The next two years will engage this energy and put it to task in a real way.

We all are different signs, and Saturn in Sagittarius may effect each of our lives in a different way. For the area of your chart it might effect, check out the Astro Twins website....'AstroStyle'
These ladies are real, actual astrologers and know what they are taking about....