Monday, August 20, 2012

Did last week wear you the Hell out?

Yeah????  Me too!!! ..... And NO, it wasn't a full moon.

This is VENUS, Not the moon.

Astrology might be my counselor of sorts, making sense of the calm, the drama, the hectic-ness, the joy, etc. But usually we don't look for an explanation of joy or calm....we look for an explanation of those days or weeks that made you say WHAT THE HELL!?!

The moon is the astrological body most visible to us and what 'traditionally' is known to make people act out of sorts or turn into warewolves. So, it makes sense we'd jump to this conclusion first. But NO, there was no full moon.

I was just talking to a friend who mentioned what an emotionally tiring week she had last week and I felt the same. Just LOTS going on; not good or bad, just LOTS.

I thought I'd enter into the realm of posting here on my new blog with some astrological explanation.  It seems that it makes us feel better if we realize it wasn't US that made it was the stars. Damn those stars, garrrrrr!

Let me preface by saying, I don't really 'get' all this either. I'm not an astrologer at all. But I like to keep up with what might be going on in the heavens.  I often read a web-site by an astrologer named "Anne Ortelee" / who gives lengthy, aspect based, perhaps over-my-head explanations of the "week ahead." She infuses a lot of emotion and information, but I usually finish reading her site and say "GAW!!! YEAH!!! THAT'S so true.....ahhhh." (something like that).

Here is a quick summary of what might have gone down last layman's terms.

All of our astrological bodies and planets move through signs just like the Sun does. Many of you are familiar with your Sun sign right? THIS is what makes you a Taurus or a Pisces or a Cancer. The Sun was in that sign when you were born. (but more on all this later.) The Sun isn't the only planet moving through different signs...all of our "My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas" planets are always moving, entering and exiting signs which makes them have different personalities. So do we understand all planets move through different signs at different times? They are always moving. Got it. Moving on.....

Oh Venus!

Now last week:
The lovely planet of Venus (which represents love and money) just moved out of the sign of Gemini into Cancer. This move makes Venus emotional. Why? Because Cancer is one of the emotional water signs the of the zodiac. Also, Cancer is also ruled but the moon and the moon changes signs and phases every few days.

SO...what does this all mean? It means that Venus in Cancer took our love/ money (possibly career or where you make your money) through many different emotional phases last week.
Saturn and Neptune formed opposing angles (or some kind of angles - here is where I get lost) with Venus last week (or maybe it was the moon). In any case THIS means that we saw limitations and perhaps where there was illusion with our love or money. (Saturn represents limitations and Neptune illusions).

Is that confusing? Yeah, to me too BUT you should try reading Anne's site. Anne also records a weekly Astrological podcast which I enjoy. She mentions all these confusing factors but really gives more counsel to how you can best handle the week ahead. It makes you feel at ease about what you can and can not control.

Anyway people...I'm sorry you had a busy, event filled week last week that wore you out, and I'm sorry it took me a whole page to get to one paragraph to explain why.

 Apparently this week is supposed to be better....still bumpy but better.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Astrology for dummies

I am a new age junky. A decently informed but very resourceful follower of all that hippie mumbo jumbo. And I want to know your sign.

I am an avid follower of my horoscope, astrological sites, love dream interpretation and to do my friends astrological charts. And a few of them suggested I start a blog so that they have context as to why their coworker just snapped at them, or why they feel emotional today etc.....and NO, it's not always the full moon. 

This blog is meant to be a collection of articles, sites and observations for those of you un-admitted new agers.