Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Astrology for dummies

I am a new age junky. A decently informed but very resourceful follower of all that hippie mumbo jumbo. And I want to know your sign.

I am an avid follower of my horoscope, astrological sites, love dream interpretation and to do my friends astrological charts. And a few of them suggested I start a blog so that they have context as to why their coworker just snapped at them, or why they feel emotional today etc.....and NO, it's not always the full moon. 

This blog is meant to be a collection of articles, sites and observations for those of you un-admitted new agers.


  1. I'm a scorpio and i can't wait to read more on your site!! Looks awesome!

    1. Oh Carrie, you make me feeeeeel so special. Must be that water....

  2. Stephanie, why didn't you share this with me a long time ago! Love it! And I will have lots of stuff to send your way. I read my Daily Om and Daily Om Horoscope every day!
