Friday, May 24, 2013

Keeping it short. Eclipse News Flash!!!!

I meant to blog about all three eclipses this Spring but in the true nature of an eclipse (packing a bigger punch than a full moon when it comes to crazy), I have had an action packed few weeks that piled onto my plate the following: a lot of new work, totaling my Dad's car in a traffic jam 'rear ending' situation - ugh, and on a positive note, some really fun events with friends. In short, I could never grab a minute to post.

However, I didn't want Memorial Day Weekend to go by without at least alerting you all of tonight's Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse. I will keep it short and sweet. The two signs involved are Sagittarius and Gemini. The Sun is in Gemini - lots of your Gemini friends have birthdays right? And the moon is in Sagittarius.

Consider the elements of a Sagittarius for what this Full Moon Eclipse might inspire us to do. I read a blog post today that I really liked and I can't seem to find it again to share with you. It read something to the effect of.....we need to get out ahead of our desires and dreams instead of waiting for the Universe to give us a sign. Sag has a broad mind, sees broad horizons and doesn't stick with the status quo. Perhaps the lesson here is empowering us to take ownership of what lays before us like a firey Sagittarius.

Keep in mind eclipses may effect things for several weeks before and after they happen, and they make things a bit crazier (for good and bad) than a Full Moon does by itself. They create a lot of energy out there for people to react. SO, if you are wondering what all the crazy is - the eclipse can be your explanation this weekend.

There's your news flash. Short and Sweet!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I'm about a week late on this post. But, I didn't want to leave you all hanging during what is supposed to be an astrologically significant time - Thus the following post on Spring eclipses.

If you've ever taken 7th grade science you know what an eclipse is...technically. And if you've read my blog in the past then you know what an eclipse is....astrologically.

You don't remember???? Alright, let me refresh you. A lunar eclipse happens always at the full moon and signifies the culmination and ripening of a situation. Pretty much any full moon signifies this, but the fact this full moon is during a lunar eclipse makes it stronger. A solar eclipse happens at the new moon and can signify a new beginning.

Ooooh Look! A diagram that I stole it off the internet!

The lunar eclipse on April 25 is followed by a solar eclipse May 10 and another lunar eclipse May 25. Thus, eclipse season. Eclipses shake things up.... here we go!

Last week on April 25 there was a full moon in the sign of Scorpio while the Sun is in Taurus. This means that there will be a push pull between the energies represented by Taurus and by Scorpio. Taurus represents worldly belongings, matter, security and life's simple tangible 'things.' Scorpio represents change, transformation, and belongings you share with others. The Universe will be challenging us to let go of that which makes us feel secure in order to transform and move forward in our lives. Do you know any Taurus folks? Then you know this sign is one-hell-ov-a stubborn bull. Imagine all of us embodying this huff and puff, holding on for dear life as the Universe asks us to LET IT GO. What do you need to let go in order to move forward in your life? Good question....

Scorpio in the other hand encourages us to look to transform and delve into the mysteries of life. Scorpio is highly emotional and brings those things that we've buried deep down to come to the surface, whether it be our ignored needs or wishes. Not so comfortable, a little scary, but it's our path. We all know what we are supposed to do, just keep asking your inner voice.

These same planets were involved in the eclipses that also happened this past November 2012. So you may see issues that you were dealing with in November, come back to the surface to resolve or break away.

You may see this lunar eclipse effect your life in the next few weeks, or the subsequent eclipses effect your life even up until June 8. The eclipses are happening all Spring and play off one another, so look out for the unexpected change, epiphanies and other interesting surprises in your life that encourage you to let go of your comfort zone and change.

I will try and post again next week about what you can expect from the eclipse May 10.