Monday, April 14, 2014

Heads up - Tomorrow is a Full Moon Eclipse

There is a much buzz about a blood moon tomorrow. Seems like a mystical, dark and fore-boding term but blood moons aren't that uncommon. The astrological drama people are buzzing about really should have nothing to do with the fact that the moon may have a red hue. In fact, most Lunar Eclipses ALL take on a red hue. But that's
not really why this full moon is so notable. So before you start to imagine that this week will bring your own version of the Game of Thrones Red Wedding. Calm it down a notch and read some other reasons why you should pay attention this week.

1. It's an eclipse. All eclipses are just super intense full moons. Tomorrow's eclipse falls in the sign of Libra while the Sun opposes it in Aries. So like I've expained in prior eclipses, there will be a push pull between the traits of Libra which value partnerships, weighing details (which might be trivial to an Aries) and putting an emphasis on love and compassion. Aries, in a very different manner, wants you to move. As in NOW. GO! Forget those frivolous matters of comfort, saying long goodbyes and making pros and cons lists. Move! Move!
Ah, but there's always a compromise. To move into partnership (Libra) you DO have to act (Aries). So this may mean moving out of old outdated comfortable habits and into a new situation that suits our higher way of being.

2. There's a tetrad of Full Moons following tomorrow's. OK so this is the first I have heard of this, BUT apparently there is some biblical significance to the fact that there are no partial eclipses in between the next 4 full moons happening in the next 2 years. So you know, there are always 2 Lunar eclipses each year anyway. Always. So, I don't quite get it and I am not getting into this, because I don't know much about it and I don't know how it applies to astrology. But here's a link for more. . . I don't feel better informed per the article. Please comment below if you do know more!

3. This eclipse is happening during the upcoming formation of Grand Cardinal Cross. Click this link below on my article about this intense astrological event. Life will be 'a changing. Yeeeeeee!

So in short, hold on to your hats. I hate to imbue any negativity onto this event. I feel we all just have a shake up in our lives coming and it could be good or bad or hard or fun. Who knows. I do think we influence our own futures, so think positive! Life may feel unsteady or uncomfortable but if changes are afoot for you just have faith that you are moving into your future . . . which I'm thinking is gonna be BRIGHT!


  1. From my perspective, you are spot on and I will be following your posts from now on.

  2. Awesome! Thanks Christi. Love hearing that others are feeling similarly and that I am not nuts!
