Friday, May 30, 2014

Rolling forward with fire

This post is a bit late, but I wanted to share another important astrological happening that will be relevant for a few weeks or months. Mars in Libra went retrograde back on March 1. Everything ruled by Mars stopped, stationed, then started rolling the other way. Like anything rolling backwards, it came right back over the SAME ground it had just rolled forward on. Ideas ruled by Mars include men, power, action, sex, war, confidence, courage and competion. And things ruled by Libra are love, relationships (any kind), judiciousness, balance, and harmony. So we may have seen some of these aspects of our lives slow down or we may have reassessed some of these things this Spring.

It is time to hold on to your hats (or really last week you shoulda started holdin' on to your hats) because Mars has now started moving forward. As of May 20th, this firey planet in the sign of love and partnerships changed directions once again to make us go back over the same ground we did in the Spring but this time with action, confidence and courage fully engaged!

I wrote about the eclipse a few weeks back that put us in /on new soil. Some of us might feel like we've entered a new phase of our lives. The Spring was a review of our lives or a topic in our lives . As Anne Ortelee explains (to paraphrase) Think reading a phrase in a book, then going back over to highlight it. Now we open up the book once again and skim to find those highlighted phrases and put them into action. (Check out Anne's awesome weekly weather at and her post from May 28th).

A power struggle made productive
Mars is in the sign of Libra and has been since the Fall. The Mars retrograde period was a silent mulling over and possible build up of thoughts and feelings. Well, as Mars gains momentum and moves forward to go over the same ground YET AGAIN, many of these thing BURST to the surface to play out. How can they not! We've been over this ground 3 times and now we do so with power! With the combination of Mars and Libra (one very masculine and one very feminine), we can expect power issues in relationships (romantic, business, and family) resulting in learned cooperation OR else bursting into chaos. We can expect that taking action in relationships will lead to love and harmony OR (as 'celestial space' blog says) when that action is based in fear, it can just cause a big ole mess. How will your power struggle play out? Move forward in LOVE, understanding and respect and get the better outcome!

In the last paragraph, I am summing up an article below.
Please read it. Such an amazing outline of power, and the male and female of Mars vs. Libra.

Onward with Mars!!! Good Luck!

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