Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Leave it; Love it - Eclipse time again!

The next of our two October eclipses is upon us! Thursday....

Some of us may already be feeling the intensity. Right around eclipses (whether life is good or bad) Things. Get. Frazzled. 
Random freak occurrences, accidents, happy surprises and events from out of the blue can pack our schedules and occupy our focus. But if we breathe and watch this hustle and bustle float by in front of us with an observer's eye, we can probably lift a nice little message from the Universe out of it. UNI is always talkin' to us!

Two weeks prior to October 8th until two weeks past October 23rd, we can expect to feel the craziness of the eclipses. All of our charts are different and we may feel it in different ways. A few articles I've perused definitely made an impression. I picked up that with Mercury in retrograde since October 4th, we've almost been reliving the past. Perhaps we've been through repeat experiences similar to another time in our lives. Maybe ghosts from the past have popped up unexpectedly; some same ole, same ole experiences have come into play. But how did we all deal with it this time around? Was the reaction new? Were you ready to shed your old ways? Did we deal with things with a lighter and more knowledgable POV? Have you grown?

Also, eclipses are all about awareness. Check the link below to see what HOUSE these eclipses fall in based on your sign and this indicates how they may effect you? Once you see the house, just google for example "second house astrology", etc to see what part of your life it represents. Is life throwing occurrences your way that reflect what these houses symbolize??? DING DING. That's where we need revision!

And on to Thursday's eclipse, specifically. It's in Scorpio; it's a new Moon. New Moons are great chances for fresh starts, but this eclipse amps that up ten fold. Eclipses are super charged versions of whatever the moon is doing. Scorpio is already a pretty intense sign and with that we'll be diving to our depths, shining the flashlight, unearthing our true selves, experiencing transformation, and rooting out the things we have hidden away. The Sun sheds light on our fears, bad habits and flushes them away so we can finally transform. Intense change!

The good news, according to my astrological resources (or at least one of them), this is supposed to be a NICE eclipse. Good eclipse, be nice please! Last April's eclipse? Uhhh, that one was pretty mean;  necessary but harsh. I think we deserve nice...yes? This one ushers in love, creativity, money matters, relationships and rebirth. We'll review, we'll pass the test, we'll see that all our fears and negative thoughts are only created by ourselves. We will let them go. The light of the Sun now gives perspective to our hard lessons from the past year or so and we can finally be free to move forward. Hooray! I don't know about you but I am game for that plan.

Thats the gist of what I am reading anyway.

So there ya go. Happy Eclipsing. Would love to hear what's going on in your world.


  1. Thanks, Steph! I needed this fresh perspective :) XO

  2. When are we going to have a nice, calm period? I'm exhausted from the craziness!
