Saturday, August 29, 2015

Don't Worry Be Dreamy

Last night, my friends and I noticed the beautiful full and bright moon! It seems I've created at least one monster because one of them had to know: what does it mean???? You know who you are; you got yourself a post! :)

What fun is life if we don't read into things!? Viola Astrology!

Today at 2:35pm the full moon is in Pisces opposite the Sun in Virgo. Full moons bring things to a head or culmination, and then !POP!, release! With this, full moons are a good time to let go and to give in to resolve. And how we know what the theme is around that release is to look at the signs of Pisces and Virgo. The Sun represents our ego - this time in Virgo; and our emotional nature is represented by the moon - this time in Pisces. There is always a push pull between the two, trying to find a balance.

Virgo represents order, structure, details, health and daily routines. It is a sign of service and hard work. On the "not so great" flip side, it encompasses worry and getting too caught up in those nitty gritty details, and obsessing about controlling your world and routine. Virgo is the sign of hypochondriacts and OCD.

Pisces is a dreamer, connected to the higher knowledge and spirituality. However, Pisces can get too caught up in illusion and non-reality. Pisces has an intution beyond every other sign, depth of understanding but can sometimes forget to take off those rose colored glasses.

So what's the balance? This full moon challenges us to have faith in the details. . . work hard but know that ultimately there is a high power in control of the outcome.  Don't dream along with your head in the clouds soley relying on hope; put in the balance of the work to make your dream happen. Stay rooted in reality, paying attention to your health and taking care of yourself (but not just your physical self)....our spirit and mindset needs nurturing too.

So what is coming to a head in your life? What have you been signaled reminded or to rebalance around these themes? Where are you too 'Virgo' or where are you too 'Pisces'? Get it balanced out! Here's some Saturday food for thought and to self reflect.....

Sunday, August 9, 2015

FINALLY, Forward Motion

Upon request, I am turning out a quick post about what the heck is happening in the stars.

I've heard from multiple friends that they've had major shake up and shock in their lives in the last few weeks. The good news? It could possibly carry them into a new chapter! Most of the buzz I've heard has been job related - big job losses, moves, great new offers, etc. (Lots of profound life 'happenings' among the people around me.) But the feeling is, it is all meant to be and 'good.'

I did a little digging and it seems the culprit is SATURN!

This fella in the sky is a hard-ass taskmaster. And from October 2012 to December 2014, he was in Scorpio - the sign of depth, emotion, and unearthing your issues. He took us to task for two years to help us face some fears, and release some of the patterns that hold us back in life. (Think back to this time in your life and see what it meant for you.)

Then, hallelujah!!! Saturn moved into Sagittarius from December 24, 2014 through June 2015. Life eased up and felt more like a party -  put it on the tab at the bar on our fiery friend Sagittarius! ! !

Hold up a minute...what's a party without a hangover? - the fun stopped when Saturn moved BACK into Scorpio on June 14. Summer blues anyone? The good news, it's just for one more month until September 17. Think of those two years mentioned above - what issues did the taskmaster unravel for you? This summer is the ultimate FINAL exam. He is bringing back some of these issues, situations and feelings to see if you finally know what you want in life and can sift through problems with more confidence and ease.
Can you hold those boundaries? Can you make out what is good for you and what is better left in the dust? Can you figure out what things are actually a problem and what's just a problem in your mind?

It's been a bit hectic, since January, Saturn was moving forward, then backwards (back into Scorpio) and as of August 2, Saturn now starts to move forward again in the final month of 'Saturn  in Scorpio' until he reaches Sagittarius in September. So think of a train switching directions - you can feel a big jostle and disorientation in your life as you change direction yet again. But like I said, as of last week at least we are now moving FORWARD for a while. This is a new beginning! Take chances, and opportunities that come your way! And with Mars in Leo, make sure you take action with the kind of passion and heart that the King of the jungle would.

A few other factors...

Venus is in retrograde from July 25 - September 5. I think I've written about this before but Venus, the planet of love and money is moving backwards. This is a time to  revise the way you make money, (i.e. your job), and expect ghosts of relationship past to haunt you. This could be past lovahs OR just people from your past popping up out of nowhere. I can say for myself - I have run into 2 random folks from my job and school in the past week. The stars ain't no joke.

Alright now, here is some stuff you don't want to understand and I don't really want to explain. But take my word for it...  Saturn Squares Jupiter and Semi-Squares Pluto (yeah, I don't really know either). This apparently means that we are forced to adjust our expectations of life. Reality rears it's ugly or not so ugly head and you've got to tweak to fit. We may have imagined life playing out differently but once we confirm what the reality is in our world....we just have to adjust our steps to move forward. I personally find it refreshing. Just gimme the skinny and I can finally move forward with clarity! Don't fumble. Make your adjustments and get on with life! It is what it is.

One more note: Jupiter enters Virgo August 11 -I liked this aspect so had to mention. Take care of your health! Routines, fitness, etc. I know I have definitely been feeling this one. Home made almond milk anyone? Hot yoga? Getting enough rest? I guess I jumped on this train a few weeks early. When in doubt love thyself first. You can't handle stress without making sure me, myself and I is in tip-top shape. So spend a little time on you to get through all this change!

Send me a note anytime you guys want a post! I love hearing when you are noticing a shift too.