Saturday, August 29, 2015

Don't Worry Be Dreamy

Last night, my friends and I noticed the beautiful full and bright moon! It seems I've created at least one monster because one of them had to know: what does it mean???? You know who you are; you got yourself a post! :)

What fun is life if we don't read into things!? Viola Astrology!

Today at 2:35pm the full moon is in Pisces opposite the Sun in Virgo. Full moons bring things to a head or culmination, and then !POP!, release! With this, full moons are a good time to let go and to give in to resolve. And how we know what the theme is around that release is to look at the signs of Pisces and Virgo. The Sun represents our ego - this time in Virgo; and our emotional nature is represented by the moon - this time in Pisces. There is always a push pull between the two, trying to find a balance.

Virgo represents order, structure, details, health and daily routines. It is a sign of service and hard work. On the "not so great" flip side, it encompasses worry and getting too caught up in those nitty gritty details, and obsessing about controlling your world and routine. Virgo is the sign of hypochondriacts and OCD.

Pisces is a dreamer, connected to the higher knowledge and spirituality. However, Pisces can get too caught up in illusion and non-reality. Pisces has an intution beyond every other sign, depth of understanding but can sometimes forget to take off those rose colored glasses.

So what's the balance? This full moon challenges us to have faith in the details. . . work hard but know that ultimately there is a high power in control of the outcome.  Don't dream along with your head in the clouds soley relying on hope; put in the balance of the work to make your dream happen. Stay rooted in reality, paying attention to your health and taking care of yourself (but not just your physical self)....our spirit and mindset needs nurturing too.

So what is coming to a head in your life? What have you been signaled reminded or to rebalance around these themes? Where are you too 'Virgo' or where are you too 'Pisces'? Get it balanced out! Here's some Saturday food for thought and to self reflect.....

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