Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wait and See! Full Moon in Gemini

Tonight, the evening before Thanksgiving, is a full moon in Gemini. And tomorrow, on Thanksgiving Day is a Saturn / Neptune square. Here's what it all means and why you might be 'feeling it.'

The full moon (which is in Gemini) opposes the Sun (which this time is in Sagittarius) putting the energies of both signs face to face. Gemini is the data seeker, fact finder, news and media buzz, and those 'oh so welcome' opinions from friends. Gemini tends to get high on information overload but can get bogged down in the anxiety of processing it all.

Sagittarius is a truth seeker. It seeks a meaning to things and clarity. The push / pull of Gemini and Sagittarius facing off will ask us to breath in and breath out the overload of information in your brain and seek patience to find the truth. Gemini likes to fill in the silence and space with one million theories of what may or may not happen next. Sagittarius waits for clarity. So where are you seeing some unclarity in your life? Where are you filling in the blanks when you don't REALLY know the truth? Are you spinning facts? Are you maybe projecting some of your own thoughts or what people have told you to think onto the situation.  Look at your new challenge with excitement and hope as opposed to nervousness and speculation. Wait. And. See.

In addition, I've read that tonight is considered a moon for clearing out the old to make room for the new. What outdated data to you have stored up in your brain or in your space that you can get rid of to make way for a clearer picture of your life?

Interestingly enough, Saturn / Neptune is a similar energy and face off ... not the SAME but similar. Neptune represents your dreams and wishes. It can also on the negative side, represent illusion. Illusion can mean you aren't seeing things so clearly and that you need to take off your rose colored glasses. Maybe the situation is way worse than your dreamy little mind made up. OR on the contrary,  maybe you are focusing on the negative and creating your own obstacles which are just made up in your head. Maybe life is way sweeter and easier than you anticipated. Saturn will challenge this energy by providing structures and tasks. So let's say you want to spend your life as an artist...what do you need to do to MAKE this happen. How much money does it take to pay the bills. Get two jobs, paint portraits on the side. Let's be realistic. You can have your dream. But a dream is best grown when rooted in reality.

This square will either have you fall back into your old patterns, or evolve into being able to see clearly that your dreams CAN happen, but you just have to put some realistic parameters around them. There is patience and discernment required to see this through. This isn't an action taking energy, but a wait, observe, and let things settle in your gut to see how to best handle aforementioned 'dream.'

These energies don't just apply to the next few days. It kicks off a bit of a cycle. So have patience, clear the clutter and see what unfolds!

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