Monday, February 11, 2013

Give in and go with the Pisces flow.

Are you someone who can't operate efficiently in anything but absolutes and that can't stand nebulous-ness (I know, I know. Is that even a word?).

I am posting today because I have heard similar themes in the sentiments spoken among my friends in the past few weeks that sound like echoes of what I've said to myself.

For me, life - (ehhh, let's not blame it on life), I have been a bit unclear, hazy, and even a little uncommitted in direction. It seems that life sends me off in one direction then changes it's mind and pulls me back in the seemingly opposite direction. So how am I supposed to get anywhere zig zagging back in forth? For someone who likes their path to be more concrete, clear and firm - it's been insanely confusing.  But then I found some validation in the stars. Of course.

On February 1st, Mars (the planet of action, aggression and passion) entered the sign of Pisces. If you remember my post about the zodiac sign of Pisces - it's this floaty, dreamy, creative, emotional sign focused on the inner journey of the soul. It deals less in action and more in passivity. Pisces goes with the flow. Pisces operates on intuition and not a physical compass of logic. Pisces loves to dream.
So what does it mean when the planet Mars floating above all of our heads moves into a sign like Pisces? It means that Mars will take on the qualities of Pisces and our actions will be less action-ey and more thoughtful, feely, and seemingly 'go with the flow.' Not real fun when you are anxious to dive into making some real progress.

If we can give in to going with the flow and know that this is the energy that we need to work with, it might help us all from going crazy. Anne Ortelee in her column last week, described a sailboat.
She suggested that sometimes you have to use the wind instead of fighting to go against the wind. It may seem like you are going the wrong direction and away from shore for a while, but that is really just how you use the wind (or energy) to get to the right place. Maybe it doesn't make sense at the time, but all this curvy trail we are following is actually the better trail than the straight forward one. If you can see it from a distance, this picture above and the one below make sense. Who is gonna plow through that mountain instead of following the road that curves to and away from the mountain. Why not float on the lazy river that takes a little longer instead of struggling to hack through the forrest. And along the way, maybe we are gaining a deeper insight from the journey. And all the maneuvers we need to sail or drive or float will be valuable once we reach the destination.

Secondly, last Tuesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) entered Pisces as well. So apply the aforementioned descriptors to any and all communication going in your life until April 13 (which is when it shifts into Aries). People may be less committed, more ethereal, and definitely speaking from an emotional place.

This is a whole heck of a lot of Pisces energy to deal with. So my plan - Give in and go with dang flow.

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