Monday, March 11, 2013


My last post in February was about all the heavenly bodies above our heads being in the sign of Pisces - the watery sign of the fish. It's a sign that takes the path longest traveled, winds about, moves and is swayed by the slightest force of wind and feels emotional, nebulous and indirect.

If you've been eager or impatient to make much needed changes in your life, this energy may have driven you insane. Even as a water sign myself (I'm a Cancer), this drove me nuts. I wanted to shake life by the shoulders and say MOVE!

But fear not! Tomorrow, March 12, Mars - the planet of passion, action and drive will enter the sign of Aries where it is VERY at home. The zodiac sign of Aries is ruled by Mars so these two get along quite nicely. The flowy energy we've all been dealing with will ignite with fire, decision, drive, and motion forward. HOORAY. Are you guys ready?

Mars stays in this sign until April 20, 2013, so expect this period to be about aggression, action, making choices, having choices made for you (by dear ole Universe), things heating up, and feeling impulsive.
One thing about Aries, that I've described in earlier posts, is that this sign can almost be like a newborn baby. All that is important are the needs of the here and now. So during this time, people may be impatient to make decision and take action where they don't give a lot of thought to consequence or the needs of those around them. But, at this point, who cares!!!!  We have had PLENTY of time to consider other people's feelings the last month or so while Pisces - an emotional planet  - ruled our actions.

So be prepared, good luck and keep me posted on what fires get lit and what fireworks explode in your world!


  1. This period goes through 2103 or 2013? Just curious if we have 100 years of action.

  2. It's just 2013! Thanks for catching my typo Miss Butler!
