Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Illumination, the Full Moon

Tomorrow there is a Full Moon factor. I remembered I wanted to write about it last night as I peeked out my window to see which neighbor had left their porch light on. This happens to me once a month (obviously just once a month). I always notice a light shining in my window as bright as a light bulb and I realize it's just the big luminous full moon. Last night I felt like the (almost) full moon was shining its beam right through my blinds and onto the exact spot where I sleep in my bed. I wondered if that direct light and energy shining all night effects a person. So I did some homework and here is how it might be effecting your world.

This month's full moon occurs tomorrow March 27 at 5:28am EST in the sign of Libra. Full moons bring things to a culmination usually involving emotions. Libra rules balance, harmony, love, and relationships. Opposing this full moon is the Sun is in Aries, the sign of basic self needs and action. Libra and Aries are opposite signs directly across from one another on the zodiac wheel so this is especially interesting.

It means there is a tug of war or things finally come to a head, to light, etc. On one side of the rope you have the 'self' (Aries) and on the other 'partnership' (Libra). There may come to pass a conflict on expressing yourself in a relationship, choosing a relationship over yourself, or some other combination of sorts between what YOU want and need and what can make a partnership feel balanced. So don't be afraid to change, speak up for yourself, or listen to what someone you love needs and be open to letting your grip go in order to achieve balance and change.

And to give this whole opposition another big bang, Venus, Mars and Uranus are all also in the sign of Aries. Venus reps love, money, relationships (note this isn't JUST romantic relationships and love but the whole gambit). Uranus is unpredictability and self expression. Mars is that planet moving things forward through action. So what the hell does all this mean? Here's the best I understand.... it means that the Universe will take all those aspects of your life, mentioned above (love or money, a struggle between self and relationships, unpredictable events and action), shake 'em up and throw them back out on the table in a new formation. The pieces of your life will look a bit different after the fact, but it's a good thing. This is a moment in the sky when we are all getting bit of astrological transformation.

So there you have it. This is supposed to be a powerful full moon. Transformative, surprising, and a bit rough.

I'd love to hear your feedback on what's going on in your life.....anything crazy happen? Post a comment below or on Facebook.

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