Sunday, June 23, 2013

Color Therapy

Immersed in a world of vibrant color on the big island of Hawaii for a week, I got into a conversation with my sister in law about color. I noticed she had a yellow shirt on day 1, a yellow shirt on day 2, and a yellow bikini on day 3 so I asked her about her attraction to this hue that I'd never noticed her in before. She agreed that she noticed she'd been more attracted to it lately as well.

Uh oh, she'd done it! She'd gotten me started on color and thus chakras. Nope, it's not astrology, but another piece of my hippie repertoire.


I'll go ahead and caveat as usual, that I am no expert, but just an enthusiast on all spiritual things - chakras included. I'm gonna share what I know.

Chakras are areas in our bodies that are considered energy centers. Very simply, there are seven chakras in total that are each represented by an area of your body, a color, and an aspect(s) of our well being.  The idea of being attracted to a color over and over again in a span of time can mean that a certain chakra is off balance and seeks that color to energize and invigorate it and its corresponding qualities. There are even stones and gems that represent these chakras. But I will start simply and take you through the 7 chakras in picture form from my trip to Hawaii and Oahu.

RED is for Root Chakra

I will admit, out of all the colors, I had the most trouble finding red in my Hawaii pics. But most of them had one thing in common, my nephew Jeffery. Maybe this youngster Jeffery is craving some 'red' energy from his clothes, his toys (kayak) and the flowers he reaches for.

The root chakra is the first chakra at the base of our spine / sit bones / (ie.) the part of your bottom that hits the ground when you sit Indian style.

It represents the basics in life that offer us security and a place here on earth. Safety, grounded-ness, basic survival and physical needs.

To energize your root chakra, you meditate on red or just focus on this area of the body in general through meditation, or exercise. The root chakra  ties us to this earth.

Being a little guy, it probably makes all the sense in the world that Jeffery is seeking red. As he becomes less of a dependent baby and more of an independent little boy, he's learning to bear the responsibility for his own safety and security. Maybe he is testing the boundaries and seeking this from his parents and those who love him. Fun to speculate.

Orange is for Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is the sacral chakra and it is located at your abdomen in between your hip bones. It is represented by the color orange. The qualities that rule this area are emotion, letting go, sexuality, expressing your needs and emotions and sensitivity.

We found orange in the sunset and the rich dirt on the island of Hawaii.

You can energize this chakra by focusing on orange, listening to music, being in water or activating the part of your abdomen below your navel.

Yellow is the Solar Plexus Chakra

She wore yellow....

Yellow... and more yellow! 

The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra and is represented by the color  yellow. It represents personal power, willpower and instinct. The solar plexus is known to be the central processing unit for all the chakras and energy and is located below your chest and above your navel, in your belly. 

Here are some more images of yellow from Hawaii, although I wasn't able to directly catch on camera the most yellow and most influential natural element in Hawaii representing yellow. The Sun! 

While earth is root, water is sacral, FIRE is the solar plexus. And what better way to energize the solar plexus than by basking in a big ball of flaming goodness, the SUN!

Green is for Heart Chakra

While Blaire was drawn to yellow and Jeffery to red, I had noticed all MY new wardrobe items are green or blue (but blue is another post).
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra represented by the color green and located in.....duh! the heart area, ie. your chest. It is representative of love (of all kinds), compassion, forgiveness, and warmth.
While on the big island, my brother and I really wanted to hike to the Olivine beach which is one of the only green sand beaches in the world! Talk about meditating on green. In general Hawaii amazes you with a green explosion of color around every corner. No wonder people feel so spectacular and open hearted after time spent there.

Below is the green sand beach on the big island. Notice the green hue from the olivine there. And notice in the center below the sky....a heart shape!? Ok maybe I am stretching things but this blog isn't for skeptics anyway.

Blue is for Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra located in your throat. It is represented by the color blue and the qualities of communication, speech, and expressing yourself. Clearly Hawaii can provide all the natural wonders needed to activate your throat chakra. 

Blue Blue Blue! 

Indigo for the Third Eye

I love this chakra best. The sixth chakra is located on your forehead above your eyes in the center. It is the third eye chakra represented by the color indigo. Its qualities are intuition and the sixth sense. We all have intuition. Intuitiveness is picking up on signs and signals whether physical or emotional all around you and then putting it together to draw a conclusion. Some of us do this consciously, some unconsciously. The third eye sees more than we allow our two eyes to see.

Blue or Indigo? 

In case you are wondering the difference between blue and indigo. Indigo is a deeper more vibrant hue of blue that has a little purple in it.  I say that the sky in these pictures are blue. The ocean is indigo.

While in Hawaii, I had popped into a crystal shop to take a look at the lapis, and the lady commented on my blue nails and  how I was gravitating toward the deep blue lapis. The more I look at my pics, the more I notice myself in blue. Another color connection caught! I must need some help with communication and/ or my intuition. Lapis is a stone that represents both these chakras.

Violet is for Crown Chakra

The final and seventh chakra is the crown chakra. It embodies the highest of all spiritual traits, tying us to the higher power, cosmic-connectedness and receiving divine guidance. It is located on the top of the head and represented by the color violet. 

I read Phillip Pullman's fantasy book series starting with The Golden Compass which illustrates the tribal idea of cutting off a person's skin at the top of the head in order for them to more easily receive divine guidance. Now don't go cut off your head people! That's taking it a bit far AND the book is fiction but illustrates the idea in association with where it is located on the body.

To energize this chakra, meditate on violet and focus on the top of your head being clear and open. Perhaps you even have a light shining down through your crown giving you energy. 

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