Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Once in a Blue Moon.

Expect the unique with today's Blue Moon!

Usually there are three full moons each quarter, BUT when the calendar sits in such a way that there are 4 in a quarter, the 2nd one of the same sign is called a Blue Moon. See...there are 12 zodiac signs, one for each month. But today's full moon is the 2nd one this year falling while the Sun is in Leo (which is July 22-Aug 21) (the last one was July 22, 2013).
This is the Blue Moon. Does that confuse you? It's OK, I will explain what it all might mean for you....

The full moon today is in Aquarius (while the Sun is in Leo). Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac. Aquarians are fixed and stubborn but see beyond the limits of today and represent future times, thoughts, and ideas.

Aquarians understand that our perceived reality is just an illusion. It can break open at any time and deliver us an epiphany. We all live with a false reality of what we THINK is possible and what is actually possible. Isn't that refreshing in some way?

Aquarians while futuristic are also fixed signs. This could mean they are stubborn about their own creative visions, quirky paths, or unique philosophies. They'd dig their heals in to see their visions through to creation.

Leo is the playful, warm, passionate, creative of the zodiac. It makes things an adventure.
So this full moon might bring into fruition the glimmer of our future in an adventurous playful sort of way.

Bear with me. I'm gonna throw something else at you guys. Often astrologists use Sabian Symbols to represent events in the zodiac (or more specifically the degrees of planets). They were created in the early 1900s by a psychic. The Sabian symbol for today's full moon is 'a butterfly emerging from it's chrysalis.'

So interpret that symbol for the energy the Blue Moon may bring.
Unexpected transformation.
Do you think that butterfly knew WINGS were possible? It used to look like a freaking worm.  But holy cow!  IT GOT WINGS!!! The transformation took time; it took a little 'cooking,' but what was possible for this little inch worm / caterpillar fella was beyond what might have been perceived. See how that matches up with the above explanation of Aquarius?

And of course change isn't easy. It's surprising; it's confusing; it takes adjusting.
So hang in there. Soon your reality might look very different and beautiful!

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