Friday, October 18, 2013

Big Bad Aries in this Full Moon Eclipse

In the overwhelming-ness that has been this week, I have tried to carve out some time to write a post on today's eclipse and explain away why this week has been crazy. BUT, it's just been way too crazy. I should have known. So here I squeezed in 5 minutes this morning before I hurried off to the first serious job interview I have had after 3.5 months of hunting to bring you all up to speed; then I got delayed and am squeezing in 10 more minutes in the afternoon to finish. Of course...

Today is a lunar eclipse. Two weeks from now a solar eclipse occurs....We gotta scroll back a few posts; I've explained this. Eclipses come in pairs or trios. Lunar eclipses happen at the full moon and solar eclipses happen at the new moon. Onward I go...
For reference:

Lunar eclipses create a face off between the Sun and the Moon and their corresponding signs. It creates a push pull that may bring about a crisis and push emotions to the surface. . . a big old boil if you will. In a sometimes ugly culmination, lunar eclipses pop the boil, releasing the tension and setting about some serious change through the events of the week.

For today's eclipse, the moon is in the sign of Aries representing action / courage / risk / battle / sexuality. The Sun is in Libra representing balance / harmony / relationships. The full moon will inspire our inner Aries (reactiveness, movement) which in turn could effect our relationships (repped by Libra) - Specifically relationships can mean work relationships, intimate relationships, friendships, and family relationships. We may be inspired to take action through the energy of this moon but the Sun in Libra - the sign of the scales and balance, will ask us to integrate time to weigh options, think about the best course of action and take our time.  To give a little context, Librans are those people that make pro con lists and always are the devil's advocates. Aries folks make a decision, LIKE, NOW! Libra goes about things a totally different way than Aries...thus the conflict and push pull of this Lunar eclipse. Relationships may begin, fall way or blow up. Interpret all these descriptors and energy as you wish.

In short, look around you for people to be more emotional, more reactive, and for these things to cause shifts and evolution in your and their lives. Eclipses are course correctors and offer us an unexpected new view about alternative ways to live moving forward. But while this may seem jarring, eclipses bring about the change that we look back and on and can define as pretty significant moments in our lives.

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