Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Did last week shift for you? Astrological nodes . . . shaking things up.

I love it when you guys hit me up to find out why your weeks have been so stressful, crazy, jumbled, confusing and chaotic. You seek astrological answers??? From little ole meeeee? YES!
At some point, I have clearly begun luring you over to the 'dark side' muh ha ha ha ha!

Last week and this week, I have had a few friends ask me to blog about why it might be so CUH RA ZEE. So here we go. . .

A quick explanation on last week, the week of Feburary 17. Yes,  it has already passed, but the changes last week will apply for a while. This is one of those astrology mumbo jumbo explanations, so I am gonna skim here to make it easy and more fun.

Nodes: Nodes are astrological aspects that explain that as humans we all come into this life with things we are already great at (and COMFORTABLE with) and aspects where we can be developed and rise to a higher level of being. The comfy Node is our South Node and that high achieving Node is the North Node. These Nodes are opposite signs of one another - directly across from the astrological wheel. So if your South is Cancer, your North is Capricorn. South Gemini / North Sagittarius, and so on.  To strive to step up to your North Node sort of karmically balances us. Otherwise we aren't as well rounded as human beings in our existence here on earth. The North Node is always a huge challenge for us.  . . a damn hard workout that we are absolutely capable of but we don't really always want to do.

We all have specific Nodes in our charts based on when we were born which apply to our lives personally, but the Nodes also change signs and apply generally to everyone's astrological 'weather.'

Cafe Astrology offers a great explanation (better than mine) below.

Last week these things…these Nodes, shifted.

Since August 2012 the South and North Node have been in Taurus /Scorpio respectively. On February 18, they shifted into Aries (South Node) and Libra (North Node).
This means that the sky is presenting us all and the energy of the world a NEW challenge. Let's all step out of the comfort zone of Aries (or what Aries represents) and challenge ourselves to step up to the higher level of being that Libra represents. Aries is very me, me, me, my needs, impulsive, driving forward fast and Libra is very us, partnerships, weighing both sides of the coin, collaborating, partnering. So read up on those two signs and apply accordingly.

Energetically it's gonna feel like this: There is a REALLY valuable stock that you have the opportunity to buy into TODAY or else you may miss out on a big win in the future. Ahhh…. BUT, in order to do this, you gotta get the money from your business partner. And your business partner is the type of person that wants to make a pros and cons list first AND they want count out all the money to make sure it's the right amount . . . oh in pennies, no less . . . before you can tell you broker to BUY BUY BUY. You HAVE to partner to do this, you can't move forward on your own, but this partnership conflicts with your fast moving, impulsive, "I wanna go NOW" comfort zone of making your own decisions.

It's also one of those times where you later learn that your biz partner actually made you hundreds of thousands MORE by catching a mistake, or offering an enlightened perspective. Then you have to say AH HA, I was wrong. . . Again.  Dammit Nodes. Partnering IS better. Now I'm smarter. Thanks for that hard lesson.

THIS is our challenge for the next few years….FUN!

THIS people is what it means when the Nodes change signs in 2014.

And now this blog is clearly too long, so I will save my 2nd blog for later this afternoon. It's gonna get messier this week! WHEEEEEEEeeeeeeee.

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