Friday, January 31, 2014

Year of the Horse

If you thought this was gonna be a lesson on the year of the horse; scroll to the bottom and link to other pages. I ain't gonna try and fake it too much. While I am no expert on Astrology in general, I can keep up with a complex conversation on western astrology. Chinese Astrology, not so much. But I did want to share with you two things that I thought were interesting and perhaps relevant.

1. How Chinese New Year is (or can be) relevant to Western Astrology.

Chinese Astrology is similar to Western Astrology in that it has 12 symbols of the zodiac and we all relate to one of those signs depending on when we are born. The difference is that while Western Astrology dictates 'YOUR SIGN' by birthdate within about a month timespan (June 21-July 22 are Cancers for example). Chinese Astrology dictates your sign based on the YEAR you were born.

So how can these 2 co-exist? I am sharing some insight from an article I read that made sense to me and allows me to make sense of both. So let's go with it, shall we?

In our charts we all have many planets that represent who we are, above and beyond the Sun (which is our classic astrological sign). We have the moon in our charts which changes phases every few days. Then we have Mercury, Venus and Mars that take a few months or  more than a few months to change signs. And then there's Jupiter which takes about a year. Because Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars differ from your peers since they change signs more often, these are called your personal planets. They are very specific to you and are going to be quite different from your buddy born earlier or later the same year. Now Jupiter and any planet beyond Jupiter moves through the sings slower and you are going to share these planets with peers around your age. These are more the generational and sub-generational planets. Jupiter specifically changes about once a year and THIS is how we can relate it to Chinese Astrology.

Jupiter's sign at the time of your birth represents your sense of purpose, the way you make your luck and generally your fortune

Find out where Jupiter Falls in your chart here!

These implied traits apply to you and peers within about a years time of your birth. You share a sense of purpose with those folks. So an astrologer likened the Chinese zodiac sign of the year as being similar to Jupiter. It's going to apply to all the folks born in the same year and be less specific to each person and more about the sense of purpose for that group. It represents the temperature of the world, the energy of the people, the vibe of the year and therefore this is infused into your being as you come into the world and experience life for the first time. While it doesn't line up timing wise EXACTLY….it's just a fun way to think about it.

Makes sense kinda…right?

Now my other shared thought of the day.

2: Today is the start of Chinese New Year and is another symbolic 'fresh start' that aligns with the New Moon on January 30 and Venus moving forward on January 31.

So, ummm... yeah….I know less here, BUT Happy Chinese New Year folks! The Horse is a symbol of movement, travel, strength, and luck. Apparently this will be a great year to see your projects off and running and to make changes, moves and be open to new experiences. The horse represents freedom; the horse is a bit wild and needs to be tamed! So off we gooooooo!

In lieu of me faking like  I know a lot about Chinese Astrology, I have posted some links to sites that offer more! Read away and look up your own horoscope for 2014!

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