Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What a week! Blame the eclipse last week...or prepare to blame the one next week.

This is the reason I started this blog. My good friends and former colleagues would all be chattering about what a tough week they'd had or what weird energy they were feeling and it'd signal in my head something I'd read in astrology. I'd let them know with my very limited understanding, that it was probably a full moon, or Mercury was in retrograde or like last week and next week - there's been / will be an eclipse. We'd all feel validated. 

I just noticed a trend of complaints on social media and from friends, so I thought I'd validate you guys again.....and then we can all just enjoy Thanksgiving. 

Last week on November 13 there was a solar eclipse. 

A solar eclipse is when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, blocking out the path between the Sun and the Earth.  The solar eclipse on November 13 lasted about 4 minutes. It took place when the Sun was in Scorpio (we are between the dates of October 23 and November 22 yes?) ....so this eclipse might affect those with Scorpio in their charts the most. 

What does this mean for us on earth? Eclipses are known, in the astrological world, to cause change or maybe stir up some tumultuous activity -  a shake up, something uncomfortable  - but all for the sake of change. Think about an eclipse making the ground shake over here, so you will move over there.  Eclipses usually bring about endings so something new can enter your life. Solar eclipses are always when it is a New Moon (the start of the lunar cycle), which is good for beginnings.

Next week, on November 28, will be another eclipse. Eclipses tend to run in pairs. This time it will be a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse is when the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun blocking out the Sun's light to the Moon (the moon sits in the Earth's shadow). This eclipse will be in Gemini (which will be the sign of the Moon that day) and when the Moon is full. The Moon represents our emotional side, so while the solar eclipse may effect your more outward actions or thoughts, the lunar eclipse could effect your emotions. But in the end, these eclipses are all about change, transformation and shaking things up. What fun!

If I were to get deeper, I'd talk about your individual charts, and where Gemini and Scorpio sit in your charts.....you could play a game of match, trying to see what area of life these eclipses might effect. But I think that's getting a little complicated, because it even confuses me. But don't you doubt I'm about to go look it up for myself. I'll keep you posted on what is changing in my life, although I have a few pretty good ideas. 

The last eclipses were May 20 and June 4 of this year. I don't know what you all were doing but I was in the process of preparing to resign from my job of 9.5 years to start my own business. I'd call that a shake up! 

Here's a site that gives eclipses a little more explanation, if you'd like to read up on it.


If  you are an over achiever and want the detailed explanation, check out


Monday, November 19, 2012

Aquarius the Water Bearer

You may as well consider them the time travelers, because that Aquarian you've met has one foot set in the future, maybe even two feet. His most valuable possessions are his thoughts and those are kept safely light years ahead of yours.

Dates: January 20 - February 18
Symbol: Water Bearer
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus
Action: Fixed

I'm gonna be honest. No matter how much I read up on Aquarius, I can't quite grasp what they are really about. Maybe that has to do with what I said above? How can I possibly understand an Aquarius or what they represent when they are light years ahead of the rest of us? I'm gonna try to lay it out, as best I understand. Bear with me here.

Aquarians are people of the mind and are best in their element when analyzing and unearthing information about people, places, things, topics, ideas, varieties of grapefruits, taboo religions,  nebulous philosophies and anything else you can possibly think of. Their thoughts are progressive, but not really tied down to logic necessarily. You might challenge them to an argument or a debate, but their way of thinking will probably lose you at some point because their mind pulses on its own wavelength. They are fascinated by the undefined and will spend a lot of time picking it apart.

The one thing that ties them down and helps us to define these potentially quirky folks are their opinions and ideas. THOSE are fixed, as in, you ain't gonna change their minds. Some call it stubborn; astrology calls it a fixed sign. They'll be quick to tell you what they think and why they think it, but really have no interest to try to sway you to join their side. They 'get' that everyone operates differently and have no ego attached to trying to get people to buy into their way of being. Maybe this is why they are know to be great humanitarians. They have a true understanding of what makes people unique. And with this, they tend to collect themselves many friends.

Personality wise, Aquarius can come across as aloof and emotionally detached. As an air sign, they operate with their minds and don't tend to be emotional or dramatic. This could be mistaken for cold when they are just being objective. But then   they'll randomly and passionately veer off the beaten track onto some new interest or hobby because of a new fangled idea they have picked up on their journey of the mind. There is a fine line between genius and crazy town and the Aquarian mind straddles it.

Aquarius men tend to like mysterious women. It gives him a good brain workout to try and figure them out.

She's generous and has many friends, but you'll first and foremost keep your Aquarian woman interested by feeding her mind.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mercury in retrograde and the hanging chad.

Does this short planetary phrase "Mercury in retrograde" sound familiar? It's become about as familiar and not understood as the full moon.

Mercury is retrograde today....November 6, USA election day.
Every astrological website I have been reading is talking about this 'Mercury in retrograde' falling on election day and what it possibly could mean for voting and the results.

So let me start with WHAT it is... The phenomenon of Mercury in retrograde (ie moving backwards) is only an optical illusion which means the planet Mercury slows down and seemingly goes backwards in comparison to Earth. Think about two trains speeding along at the same speed when one slows down. It APPEARS to go backwards. Well Mercury slows down on it's speeding tracks and stations tonight around 6pm.

The planet Mercury rules communications among other things, so it is said ...(astrologically that is)....that when Mercury moves backwards, communications go haywire. Cell phones, computers, conversations, contracts: It's a terrible time for communication!  Conversely, it is a GOOD time to back to old jobs, old relationships, or any anything that involves going back over old ground. But I digress.....here is why I am telling you this TODAY of all days.

Let's examine, in 5 words or less, the election of 2000 - Bush / Gore - hanging chads - Florida - you remember right? Well Mercury was in retrograde on that election day. IN-TUH-REST-ING! I'd call that some messed up communicating! You with me? So in summary, the websites I have been perusing have suggested that a similar communication malfunction may happen today and effect the election just like 2000. We shall see I guess.....

For more in Mercury in retrograde, check out this link: