Monday, November 19, 2012

Aquarius the Water Bearer

You may as well consider them the time travelers, because that Aquarian you've met has one foot set in the future, maybe even two feet. His most valuable possessions are his thoughts and those are kept safely light years ahead of yours.

Dates: January 20 - February 18
Symbol: Water Bearer
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus
Action: Fixed

I'm gonna be honest. No matter how much I read up on Aquarius, I can't quite grasp what they are really about. Maybe that has to do with what I said above? How can I possibly understand an Aquarius or what they represent when they are light years ahead of the rest of us? I'm gonna try to lay it out, as best I understand. Bear with me here.

Aquarians are people of the mind and are best in their element when analyzing and unearthing information about people, places, things, topics, ideas, varieties of grapefruits, taboo religions,  nebulous philosophies and anything else you can possibly think of. Their thoughts are progressive, but not really tied down to logic necessarily. You might challenge them to an argument or a debate, but their way of thinking will probably lose you at some point because their mind pulses on its own wavelength. They are fascinated by the undefined and will spend a lot of time picking it apart.

The one thing that ties them down and helps us to define these potentially quirky folks are their opinions and ideas. THOSE are fixed, as in, you ain't gonna change their minds. Some call it stubborn; astrology calls it a fixed sign. They'll be quick to tell you what they think and why they think it, but really have no interest to try to sway you to join their side. They 'get' that everyone operates differently and have no ego attached to trying to get people to buy into their way of being. Maybe this is why they are know to be great humanitarians. They have a true understanding of what makes people unique. And with this, they tend to collect themselves many friends.

Personality wise, Aquarius can come across as aloof and emotionally detached. As an air sign, they operate with their minds and don't tend to be emotional or dramatic. This could be mistaken for cold when they are just being objective. But then   they'll randomly and passionately veer off the beaten track onto some new interest or hobby because of a new fangled idea they have picked up on their journey of the mind. There is a fine line between genius and crazy town and the Aquarian mind straddles it.

Aquarius men tend to like mysterious women. It gives him a good brain workout to try and figure them out.

She's generous and has many friends, but you'll first and foremost keep your Aquarian woman interested by feeding her mind.

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