Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mercury in retrograde and the hanging chad.

Does this short planetary phrase "Mercury in retrograde" sound familiar? It's become about as familiar and not understood as the full moon.

Mercury is retrograde today....November 6, USA election day.
Every astrological website I have been reading is talking about this 'Mercury in retrograde' falling on election day and what it possibly could mean for voting and the results.

So let me start with WHAT it is... The phenomenon of Mercury in retrograde (ie moving backwards) is only an optical illusion which means the planet Mercury slows down and seemingly goes backwards in comparison to Earth. Think about two trains speeding along at the same speed when one slows down. It APPEARS to go backwards. Well Mercury slows down on it's speeding tracks and stations tonight around 6pm.

The planet Mercury rules communications among other things, so it is said ...(astrologically that is)....that when Mercury moves backwards, communications go haywire. Cell phones, computers, conversations, contracts: It's a terrible time for communication!  Conversely, it is a GOOD time to back to old jobs, old relationships, or any anything that involves going back over old ground. But I digress.....here is why I am telling you this TODAY of all days.

Let's examine, in 5 words or less, the election of 2000 - Bush / Gore - hanging chads - Florida - you remember right? Well Mercury was in retrograde on that election day. IN-TUH-REST-ING! I'd call that some messed up communicating! You with me? So in summary, the websites I have been perusing have suggested that a similar communication malfunction may happen today and effect the election just like 2000. We shall see I guess.....

For more in Mercury in retrograde, check out this link:

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