Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year Folks!

As you may have heard me say before, a NEW MOON is a great time to start resolutions, and there are 12 of those a year! But you non-astrologers may think the first of the year is an even better time….and usually those two things don't match up. But this year January 1st was actually on a New Moon making our new year's resolutions even more meaningful and powerful. It's been quite a few years since a New Moon fell exactly on the first day of the year. And can you believe I am 4 days late in telling you this. I hope you made some good resolutions! I totally missed the boat on this one.

It's been a busy holiday season so I am being lazy and sending you to some other sites for your New Year's astrology information. Delegating . . . 

Here are some great sites to get a feel for what 2014 may have in store for you….

Click here….
Cafe Astrology


Get Mobile and Download "The Daily Horoscope"app on your iPhone

And if that is too overwhelming, check out your horoscope for January 2014 to start!

Happy New Year!

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