Monday, October 29, 2012

Why yes, today IS a full moon.

Are your senses tingling? Are people looking crazy eyed?
So THIS time, yes it IS a full moon.

Today's full moon is in Taurus. Remember how I mentioned that the moon changes signs every few days. The moon is the celestial body closest to the earth - its orbit is smaller, thus it changes signs faster than say, Jupiter or other farther away planets. Well anyway, it's in Taurus today.

Full moons in certain signs can signify certain things. Let's flip back to my post about the sign of Taurus....earthy and solid. (Stay tuned, because I am gonna overuse the word earth in this post.) This moon will be a grounding moon. It will probably shine a practical reality on your life or a situation. Taurus is not about imagination, depth or dreams. Taurus is about worth, earthly possessions, sensuality (things you can experience with your earthly physical body) and because ruled by Venus, relationships.  You may get clarity on what in your life has a more practical earthly value, what you should keep, what you should toss. You could want to experience physical things - think about taste, touch, sight - so get a massage, make a delicious meal or go hang out in nature.

Another thing about Full moons . . . while they highlight one sign (this time Taurus), they also stand opposite another sign (Taurus's opposite sign is Scorpio). If you are a Taurus, you may feel this full moon more than other signs. Also, if you are Scorpio, you may feel challenged by this full moon since it stands in opposition to you. Check out's post below explaining more. But the gist: these two signs will work to balance each other out. Taurus is stable solid and here on earth while Scorpio is deep, transformative and relating to the 'other side'. You'll feel both pulling on each other.

Speaking of the other side.....Here is something else kind of awesome and creepy and um, AWESOME. It is said that this time of year, the veil between the worlds in the thinnest. This kind of explains the timing of Halloween right? So now is a good time to commune with the other side, your past lives, those that have passed away, your guides on the other side.....get a little spiritual! If you run into someone that you've never met but just seems SO familiar, don't brush it aside - maybe it's a spiritual connection!

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