Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Feely Moon / Love is revised.

Hi friends!

A heads up on a few starry aspects to pay attention to in the next few days and weeks.

First, tonight's (January 14th) full moon falls in the sign of Cancer, the sign of water, security, feelings, and intuition. With energy building toward the culmination of this full moon, the Universe is asking us to get in touch with our intuition, feelings and nurturing side. It is asking us to take a look around and begin to appreciate all the things in your life that may be nurturing your mind and soul. AND, it asking you to nurture YOURSELF by listening to your intuition and act on it.

In addition to the full moon, Venus has been in retrograde since December 21 and will remain there until January 31. What does that mean? Well you've probably heard of Mercury in retrograde which is an optical illusion with the planets where it appears a planet moves backwards in relation to the other planets. And Mercury, the planet of communications makes anything related to that go haywire, people go back over old communications, contracts and it's a bad time to start anything new and a good time to revisit old conversations.

The same applies when Venus is retrograde, but since Venus is the planet of love and money, those same rules apply to that aspect of your life. In this period you may hear from old flames, revise the dynamic of a current relationship or have muddled and unclear communication in a relationship. It's basically a bad time to start NEW and a good time to revise current things in your love and money sector. As far as your money goes, now is a good time to revisit your finances, revise your plans for the future then wait to set new plans in motion until January 31.

The reason I mention both aspects is because they don't stand alone. Multiple aspects such as this are always happening in the sky and can intersect to cause some drama.

Good luck navigating the week! Use the stars to your advantage!

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