Thursday, January 23, 2014

Step out of the shadows

Wake up! It's time to roll out of your Christmas food coma and jump into the New Year!

We've had several weeks to shake off the winter blues and the stars are backing us up as the Sun moves into Aquarius. The Sun being in a sign is the aspect that you are most familiar with when it comes to astrology. It  is what dictates your sign. SO, every year on January 20th the Sun moves into Aquarius until February 18.  That means all the little babies born between those dates will be Aquarians  and ALSO during that time, ALL of us are effected by the energy of the Sun in Aquarius.

How does it effect us? Aquarius is futuristic, mental, connecting, and offbeat. We are ready to step out of the confining practical Sun of Capricorn and become stimulated by those around us. This is a great time to shed outdated habits, relationships and other things in your life and adopt new ways of being. We'll be able to view things from an intellectual place as opposed to emotional. AND we'll want to engage our humanitarian muscles. Volunteering, standing up for the underdog at work, however you can interpret this - it's a great time to tackle those issues.

So step up and into that idealistic, creative off beat version of yourself and make efforts to chase that version of your dream during the next month. That could be anything from wearing an outfit that's a little outside your comfort zone to presenting an idea at work that people wouldn't expect to come from you.

Embrace your inner Aquarius and make the most of the Winter blahs.

….And a bloggy shout out to brand new baby Cosby Cooper and my good friend Keely. One brand spankin' new Aquarius, one seasoned. Shall you both always embrace living on a cloud. <3

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January Astrology
Week of January 19 Astrology
Week of January 20 Astrology
Week of January 26 Astrology 
Week of January 27 Astrology
Sun in Aquarius
Aquarius 2014
January 2014 Astrology
February 2014 Astrology
Sun sign astrology

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