Sunday, October 28, 2012

Capricorn the Goat

Ever meet one of those people that seems beyond their years? As in they are 7 years old, but seem 70? He or she is probably a Capricorn.

Dates: December 22 -January 20
Symbol: The Goat
Element: Earth
Action: Cardinal
Planet: Saturn

Another one of the earth signs, these folks are grounded, practical and reliable. Some might call them boring. But I ask you....what do you envision when you picture a goat? A mere kid at the petting zoo? You should reassess your vision, because most Capricorns are actually the mountain goat standing on a craggy mountain cliff; the one you look at and wonder how in the heck they made their way up there. 

Goats may not have the vibrant energy of the Aries or the charm of the Leo, but their ambition is strong. And it's all those 'boring' qualities: discipline, caution, steadiness that win them the race. They don't make false moves, or really even let anyone know their desire to compete but before you know it they are at the top of the mountain while you are still hiking the trails. 

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is the planet of life lessons and responsibility, so Capricorns LOVE  rules. Rules are such a cut and dry guideline for them. They value tradition and tend to skew conservative. But don't be so quick to imagine an old stodgy goat, because with these traits, their character is also strong and reliable.

Maybe they don't take a ton of risks, but Capricorns are resourceful  (their version of creative.) They can solve for dilemmas, and tend to be the go to when friends need help. It's also said that Capricorns don't really tend to 'bloom' until late in life. Maybe it's that reverse aging? Stodgy as a kid and then they loosen up as they get older to open up their world. 

Capricorn men can often be loners because they are more focused on their careers, and because they are cautious, it takes a lot to win their trust. 

The discriminating Capricorn woman believes in love, but observes and waits before making her move.

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