Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sagittarius the Archer

Hey there Sagittarius. Need some help prying your foot out of your mouth? Yeah? Awww, that's what I thought.

Dates: November 23 - December 21
Symbol: The Archer
Element: Fire
Action: Mutable
Planet: Jupiter

The Sagittarius folks are full of optimism and are always on some kind of journey to seek out knowledge and truth. Often that truth falls right out of their mouth before their brain has time to filter! They are so naively positive that they don't even realize what they said might offend the target.

"Hey Johnny congrats on winning the 5K, I am totally impressed! I didn't know someone so heavy could run that fast!".......

Oops, It is out in the open before any of the rest of us can flinch or better yet, leave the room. The blunt truth that Sagittarii (do we call them Sagittarii?, I don't know astrology plurals) are known for is never for meant to harm someone. It's just that matter of factness is part of their nature and they don't quite know how to soften what they say with care.

This vibrant sign is fueled by their element of fire and moves forward with ease. They are known for being leaders and inspiring others to act. Friendly, funny and easygoing, they have friends from all walks of life. But it's also a restless sign (because they are mutable) and moves forward with such blind positivity that sometimes they neglect to proceed with caution and can be a bit careless.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and this influences the Archers by giving them a strong desire for freedom and to push the envelope. They don't want to keep their mind or even their physical self trapped inside any boundaries. For that reason, they are likely to be spiritual, love travel and adventure.

Don't ask your Sagittarius man if your jeans make your butt look big, unless you are wanting to hear you look like JLo. He means no harm by the comment and will probably make up for it with some humorous follow-up quip.

Sagittarius ladies are flirtatious and seek out a pretty unique soul to partner with if they are ever going to commit.

1 comment:

  1. I guess I'm pretty much a thorough Sagittarius. I've just resigned to keep my foot in there. Nice one!
