Monday, October 15, 2012

Scorpio the Scorpion

Approach with caution. Those steely piercing eyes you are looking into are those of a Scorpio - the most intense sign of the zodiac.

Dates: October23 - November 22
Symbol: Scorpion
Element: Water
Planet: Pluto
Action: Fixed

Scorpios have a reserved intensity that hides behind their calm poise. They are fixed sign and act deliberately. When they speak, they mean what they say, so take their compliments seriously. If they say you look good today, you look good! Snap a picture with your iphone and put that sucker on Facebook for the world to see. Scorpios don't flatter, they speak the truth. Aaaand on the flip side... Scorpios speak the truth. If you aren't interested in hearing a matter of fact, straightforward answer. Don't ask. 

This is a water sign, representative of emotions. But despite the bubbling emotions that lie inside, Scorpios manage to keep a serene facade while their investigative minds are hard at work. Trust that while in a casual conversation with a Scorpio, they are sensing your true intentions, motives and planning their next move. 

Ruled by Pluto, a Scorpio is a detective, interested in religion, death and sex and all things taboo. They likewise dive into the depths of every aspect of their life with passion, whether that be work, love, or their rather interesting hobbies. They are one of the signs of the zodiac most likely to be psychic and can make you feel like they are seeing through to your core.

Forces to be reckoned with, the Scorpios are determined and steadfast. They will move towards their goal with amazing willpower while managing to make strategic moves that aren't so transparent to their opponents. They make loyal friends but make a false move with a Scorpio and prepare to be pierced with their stinger and feel the burn. Ouch! Revenge is one of the most well known traits of a Scorpio. It's both fascinating, feared and revered, much like that creepy critter picture above. 

The Scoprio lady will hypnotise you with her womanly charm, but always keep a few things away from you in her vault. Those few things, you will never know.

Don't be fooled by the neutral demeanor he shows you at first, the Scorpio man is passionate and likewise possessive. It's best to know what you are getting in to before you engage.

1 comment:

  1. I'm surrounded by Scorpios! I've become fascinated by mother-daughter relationships of Sagittarius and Scorpio.
