Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Virgo the Virgin

Get yo'self in line...it's the most orderly folks of the zodiac, the Virgos!

Dates: August 23 - September 22
Symbol: Virgin
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Action: Mutable

Let's not take the meaning of Virgo's symbol, the virgin, too literally. Think of the virgin metaphor to apply more so to Virgo's personal ideals and sense of self. Those are to remain pure and not to be tampered with. Their meticulous way of being must remain in tact, and their chastity belt?...let's be real here, not so much.

Since I am blowing the roof off these stereotypes, I'll go ahead and tell you this....While practical and meticulous in mind, the fastidiousness of their being doesn't necessarily extend to their environment. Yes, there are messy Virgos! It's more so that there is a certain order to their way of doing things that they don't like to vary from. They have an insane attention to detail in every aspect of life - from their work, to themselves, to who they choose as mates. But if you think there is no hope of them finding last week's Target receipt in their beyond cluttered bedroom, you are wrong. They know exactly where it is... in the clothes hamper, tucked in the pocket of their dirty jeans that they wore to Target last week, DUH!

Ruled by Mercury which is the same planet that rules Gemini, Virgos share the nervous fidgety qualities that the Geminis possess. They are checking off a constant check list in their ever moving minds. It's also described that Virgos are somewhat wallflowers, standing back from the crowd. They are reserved and don't go about trying to gain the attention of others. *
(*I will make a side note here. One of the Virgos in my life is the funniest center of attention, non-wallflower I know. BUT this is where you chart comes in, because your Sun sign is only about 80% of who you are. A Virgo with other prominent outgoing signs in their chart could vary from this.....I'll report back on what I find out about my actress of a Virgo cousin).

Virgos are the same way about their body as they are about the outside world. They get out of sorts when anything is off . Some call this hypochondria.....ok, it IS hypochondria. And it's the reason your Virgo buddy left that party early, or can't go out, or doesn't think they can make it on that trip. They've got some stomach ache again that is really just their excuse to avoid doing something that doesn't interest them. It's part of THEIR interest in keeping their minds and bodies pristine.

As important as it is for them to tend to themselves, Virgos also have a sense of duty to others. They'll jump in to help you re-organize your clutter, thoughts, excel spreadsheets, etc with no real desire for the limelight or to get ahead. Their work ethic is true and is one of the most prominent traits. And they are a mutable sign, so can easily move with change if they need to.

The practical Virgo man isn't one to romance a lady, but once he finds a person who fits his 175 page checklist, he is hers for life.

While she's a perfectionist, the Virgo lady would rather stay true to her sense of self than follow rules of society.

Sound like you? Yes? No.... ok then.

I would like to issue a caveat. Many of these descriptors come from my head and from books/ websites etc that I have read. This is also a bit of a Cliff Notes version of the book "Linda Goodman's Sun Signs," and um,  Google's recommended websites :). If you are wanting to read a bit further on your signs or other folks - I highly recommend the afore-mentioned book. It was right on for me!

If this is your first time reading: check out the prior post about your signs and chart....then come here.

I'll be posting each day about a new sign.

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