Monday, October 1, 2012

Taurus the Bull

Taurus glyph
Solid, Firm, Unwavering.  This is how the Taurus clan may best describe themselves. 
The rest of us? Well, we just call them stubborn.

Dates: April 20 - May 20
Symbol: the Bull
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Action: Fixed

But it's true that a Taurus has unmatched fortitude, that's for sure. Despite the rumored temper of the bull, most Taurus folks will put up with all sorts of elements coming their way with poise and control before they blow. And then when that last straw "breaks the camels back," - Holy hell watch out! Anyone with a Taurus in their life, KNOWS what I mean. 

Although they possess a similar power, Taurus folks are not going to charge forward like Aries the Ram. They are a fixed sign which means they don't like change. They will make steady moves toward their end goal and often like for people to come to them. For example, they'll prefer to have people to their home for dinner, over bar hopping.

Speaking of home, the earthy sign of Taurus will try to root themselves by owning land in some way shape or form. They are associated with the sign of Venus which symbolizes love, and money, so earthly pleasures and possessions are important to Taurus. Accumulating wealth slowly and steadily represents security. And with the ones they love, they will be generous with that wealth.

The Taurus man will win you over, not with tricks up his sleeve,  nor with his witty conversation or by showing off but with a slow and steady showcase of his affections and offer of security and protection.

The Taurus woman won't engage in drama - if she doesn't like something, she'll simply avoid it. She also is led by her senses - her sense of smell, taste and touch are heightened. She's probably the one at the office with fresh flowers at her desk or with that lovely perfume. 

Whatever you do, don't try and change a Taurus - Each move you make to alter their stance will have them root more firmly into the earth with their unwavering stubborn, er, hardheaded, um, . . . .firmness and sensibility!

Sound like you? Yes? No.... ok then.

I would like to issue a caveat. Many of these descriptors come from my head and from books/ websites etc that I have read. This is also a bit of a Cliff Notes version of the book "Linda Goodman's Sun Signs," and um,  Google's recommended websites :). If you are wanting to read a bit further on your signs or other folks - I highly recommend the afore-mentioned book. It was right on for me!

If this is your first time reading: check out the prior post about your signs and chart....then come here.

I'll be posting each day about a new sign.

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