Thursday, October 11, 2012

Libra the Scales

Here is Libra, the balancer of the zodiac. Peace, balance, harmony, justice? It's always flowers swaying in a gentle breeze with these folks....

Did I write always? Nope, I was wrong.  Here's why....

Dates: September 23 - October 22
Symbol: The Scales
Element: Air
Planet: Venus
Action: Cardinal

Libra is symbolized by the scales, that balancing tool with the two little dishes on each side. You put one thing in one dish and it causes that side to dip, you put something in the other dish on the other side and it dips again. That is, until you put two equal things on each side, THEN you have balance. Imagine your Libra as these scales with personality dipping one way and then the other until they can find that precious middle ground. This is a Libra. Libra SEEKS balance, Libra CRAVES balance, Libra is ALL OVER THE PLACE until that one moment where it can finally find it.  Otherwise it's ever changing contradictory moods and personality caused by that swinging scale. But hey, some of these moods are pretty darn fun!

A Libra is a natural devils advocate, never fully committing to a side of the story. It's not that they are wanting to be argumentative or contradictory (but they are known to argumentative and contradictory), it's that they truly feel like each side deserves their say. You may want the room painted blue and they are gonna tell you why yellow deserves a fair chance, agree to yellow and they'll tell you why blue is a good color too. It's only fair to the paint colors OK!???  They often come across as indecisive or uncommitted. But really Libras are just champions for the underdog, wanting to play a fair game, trying to maintain peace at all cost. And yes, a unloved paint color COULD be considered an underdog.

The element of air, represents strength of the mind and Libras are intellectual, great strategists and can convince people to go their way with their winning charm. They have the depth and smarts to fully analyze a situation and investigate both sides. But it's when they get stuck in the non-committal processes of weighing options that they tend to be a people pleaser and will let someone else decide. I mean let's not rock the boat, ok? That's not to say Libras can't decide, but if they do pick a side, they'll always be open to new information, because that's fair.

Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, the graceful Librans are also the sign most associated with relationships. Libras LOVE love and LOVE having a person around. You will seldom find them alone; it just doesn't feel right to them. They are idealistic in their romantic relationships and tend to be idealistic about their partners.  Their desire for balanced relationships extends to all kind of relationships and a Libra knows how to fight to maintain harmony.

Although they can be a little indecisive, Libra men have the capability to charm the pants off his lady...(charm the pants...that's just an expression).

Libra ladies may argue a point but you won't feel it one bit as they'll smile through the whole discussion and you'll end up being happy to agree with them.

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