Friday, October 18, 2013

Big Bad Aries in this Full Moon Eclipse

In the overwhelming-ness that has been this week, I have tried to carve out some time to write a post on today's eclipse and explain away why this week has been crazy. BUT, it's just been way too crazy. I should have known. So here I squeezed in 5 minutes this morning before I hurried off to the first serious job interview I have had after 3.5 months of hunting to bring you all up to speed; then I got delayed and am squeezing in 10 more minutes in the afternoon to finish. Of course...

Today is a lunar eclipse. Two weeks from now a solar eclipse occurs....We gotta scroll back a few posts; I've explained this. Eclipses come in pairs or trios. Lunar eclipses happen at the full moon and solar eclipses happen at the new moon. Onward I go...
For reference:

Lunar eclipses create a face off between the Sun and the Moon and their corresponding signs. It creates a push pull that may bring about a crisis and push emotions to the surface. . . a big old boil if you will. In a sometimes ugly culmination, lunar eclipses pop the boil, releasing the tension and setting about some serious change through the events of the week.

For today's eclipse, the moon is in the sign of Aries representing action / courage / risk / battle / sexuality. The Sun is in Libra representing balance / harmony / relationships. The full moon will inspire our inner Aries (reactiveness, movement) which in turn could effect our relationships (repped by Libra) - Specifically relationships can mean work relationships, intimate relationships, friendships, and family relationships. We may be inspired to take action through the energy of this moon but the Sun in Libra - the sign of the scales and balance, will ask us to integrate time to weigh options, think about the best course of action and take our time.  To give a little context, Librans are those people that make pro con lists and always are the devil's advocates. Aries folks make a decision, LIKE, NOW! Libra goes about things a totally different way than Aries...thus the conflict and push pull of this Lunar eclipse. Relationships may begin, fall way or blow up. Interpret all these descriptors and energy as you wish.

In short, look around you for people to be more emotional, more reactive, and for these things to cause shifts and evolution in your and their lives. Eclipses are course correctors and offer us an unexpected new view about alternative ways to live moving forward. But while this may seem jarring, eclipses bring about the change that we look back and on and can define as pretty significant moments in our lives.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Once in a Blue Moon.

Expect the unique with today's Blue Moon!

Usually there are three full moons each quarter, BUT when the calendar sits in such a way that there are 4 in a quarter, the 2nd one of the same sign is called a Blue Moon. See...there are 12 zodiac signs, one for each month. But today's full moon is the 2nd one this year falling while the Sun is in Leo (which is July 22-Aug 21) (the last one was July 22, 2013).
This is the Blue Moon. Does that confuse you? It's OK, I will explain what it all might mean for you....

The full moon today is in Aquarius (while the Sun is in Leo). Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac. Aquarians are fixed and stubborn but see beyond the limits of today and represent future times, thoughts, and ideas.

Aquarians understand that our perceived reality is just an illusion. It can break open at any time and deliver us an epiphany. We all live with a false reality of what we THINK is possible and what is actually possible. Isn't that refreshing in some way?

Aquarians while futuristic are also fixed signs. This could mean they are stubborn about their own creative visions, quirky paths, or unique philosophies. They'd dig their heals in to see their visions through to creation.

Leo is the playful, warm, passionate, creative of the zodiac. It makes things an adventure.
So this full moon might bring into fruition the glimmer of our future in an adventurous playful sort of way.

Bear with me. I'm gonna throw something else at you guys. Often astrologists use Sabian Symbols to represent events in the zodiac (or more specifically the degrees of planets). They were created in the early 1900s by a psychic. The Sabian symbol for today's full moon is 'a butterfly emerging from it's chrysalis.'

So interpret that symbol for the energy the Blue Moon may bring.
Unexpected transformation.
Do you think that butterfly knew WINGS were possible? It used to look like a freaking worm.  But holy cow!  IT GOT WINGS!!! The transformation took time; it took a little 'cooking,' but what was possible for this little inch worm / caterpillar fella was beyond what might have been perceived. See how that matches up with the above explanation of Aquarius?

And of course change isn't easy. It's surprising; it's confusing; it takes adjusting.
So hang in there. Soon your reality might look very different and beautiful!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Jackpot! Jupiter!

This blog post is a bit selfish because I am writing to explain that Jupiter has now entered my astrological sign, Cancer.  What does that mean firstly for ME? And secondly for you?

Who am I kidding. I am a Cancer, of course I am going to explain how this astrological movement will help and benefit you! I care; I nurture....

Jupiter is jumbo in more than just its size. It is the planet of expansion, luck, and inspires us to push forward to our higher destiny. It expands our horizons through our experiences and the acquisition of knowledge. Jupiter is ALWAYS in the sky. I mean it isn't going anywhere but it is always moving and that means moving through different signs in the sky. And depending on which sign it is traveling through, can influence how it effects us here on earth. Like people, planets get along better with some signs than others. And Jupiter which changes signs every about every 12 months, gets along swimmingly with Cancer. Why does he get along so well with Cancer?

If Jupiter's mission above is to help us achieve emotional fulfillment, depth, and growth then he is only going to be supported in this mission by being in a sign like Cancer who's positive traits include nurturing, sensitivity, and intuition. In addition, all astrological signs are categorized into the categories of Cardinal (action - pushing forward), Fixed (growing, roots, unchanging) and Mutable (choices, flexibility). So Cancer is a Cardinal sign (unlike the other emotional water signs) which means Cancer likes to move move move and challenge us to get the ball rolling and push ahead.

Several additional notes. If you are a Cancer this is EXTRA good for you, because this luck bringing planet Jupiter is now in YOUR sign and will be bringing you great aspects for evolving and making your hopes and dreams a reality. It's also pretty darn good for other water signs - Pisces and Scorpio because those two water signs get along so well with Cancer. But really it is great for all the astrological signs in some way shape or form because when Jupiter is happy and supported up there in the sky, it is going to support all of us!

So there you have it! As of June 25, 2013 and til mid July 2014 you will have some lovely starry aspects for creating abundance in your life. I'd say "Good Luck" but Jupiter's got that covered too.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Color Therapy

Immersed in a world of vibrant color on the big island of Hawaii for a week, I got into a conversation with my sister in law about color. I noticed she had a yellow shirt on day 1, a yellow shirt on day 2, and a yellow bikini on day 3 so I asked her about her attraction to this hue that I'd never noticed her in before. She agreed that she noticed she'd been more attracted to it lately as well.

Uh oh, she'd done it! She'd gotten me started on color and thus chakras. Nope, it's not astrology, but another piece of my hippie repertoire.


I'll go ahead and caveat as usual, that I am no expert, but just an enthusiast on all spiritual things - chakras included. I'm gonna share what I know.

Chakras are areas in our bodies that are considered energy centers. Very simply, there are seven chakras in total that are each represented by an area of your body, a color, and an aspect(s) of our well being.  The idea of being attracted to a color over and over again in a span of time can mean that a certain chakra is off balance and seeks that color to energize and invigorate it and its corresponding qualities. There are even stones and gems that represent these chakras. But I will start simply and take you through the 7 chakras in picture form from my trip to Hawaii and Oahu.

RED is for Root Chakra

I will admit, out of all the colors, I had the most trouble finding red in my Hawaii pics. But most of them had one thing in common, my nephew Jeffery. Maybe this youngster Jeffery is craving some 'red' energy from his clothes, his toys (kayak) and the flowers he reaches for.

The root chakra is the first chakra at the base of our spine / sit bones / (ie.) the part of your bottom that hits the ground when you sit Indian style.

It represents the basics in life that offer us security and a place here on earth. Safety, grounded-ness, basic survival and physical needs.

To energize your root chakra, you meditate on red or just focus on this area of the body in general through meditation, or exercise. The root chakra  ties us to this earth.

Being a little guy, it probably makes all the sense in the world that Jeffery is seeking red. As he becomes less of a dependent baby and more of an independent little boy, he's learning to bear the responsibility for his own safety and security. Maybe he is testing the boundaries and seeking this from his parents and those who love him. Fun to speculate.

Orange is for Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is the sacral chakra and it is located at your abdomen in between your hip bones. It is represented by the color orange. The qualities that rule this area are emotion, letting go, sexuality, expressing your needs and emotions and sensitivity.

We found orange in the sunset and the rich dirt on the island of Hawaii.

You can energize this chakra by focusing on orange, listening to music, being in water or activating the part of your abdomen below your navel.

Yellow is the Solar Plexus Chakra

She wore yellow....

Yellow... and more yellow! 

The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra and is represented by the color  yellow. It represents personal power, willpower and instinct. The solar plexus is known to be the central processing unit for all the chakras and energy and is located below your chest and above your navel, in your belly. 

Here are some more images of yellow from Hawaii, although I wasn't able to directly catch on camera the most yellow and most influential natural element in Hawaii representing yellow. The Sun! 

While earth is root, water is sacral, FIRE is the solar plexus. And what better way to energize the solar plexus than by basking in a big ball of flaming goodness, the SUN!

Green is for Heart Chakra

While Blaire was drawn to yellow and Jeffery to red, I had noticed all MY new wardrobe items are green or blue (but blue is another post).
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra represented by the color green and located in.....duh! the heart area, ie. your chest. It is representative of love (of all kinds), compassion, forgiveness, and warmth.
While on the big island, my brother and I really wanted to hike to the Olivine beach which is one of the only green sand beaches in the world! Talk about meditating on green. In general Hawaii amazes you with a green explosion of color around every corner. No wonder people feel so spectacular and open hearted after time spent there.

Below is the green sand beach on the big island. Notice the green hue from the olivine there. And notice in the center below the sky....a heart shape!? Ok maybe I am stretching things but this blog isn't for skeptics anyway.

Blue is for Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra located in your throat. It is represented by the color blue and the qualities of communication, speech, and expressing yourself. Clearly Hawaii can provide all the natural wonders needed to activate your throat chakra. 

Blue Blue Blue! 

Indigo for the Third Eye

I love this chakra best. The sixth chakra is located on your forehead above your eyes in the center. It is the third eye chakra represented by the color indigo. Its qualities are intuition and the sixth sense. We all have intuition. Intuitiveness is picking up on signs and signals whether physical or emotional all around you and then putting it together to draw a conclusion. Some of us do this consciously, some unconsciously. The third eye sees more than we allow our two eyes to see.

Blue or Indigo? 

In case you are wondering the difference between blue and indigo. Indigo is a deeper more vibrant hue of blue that has a little purple in it.  I say that the sky in these pictures are blue. The ocean is indigo.

While in Hawaii, I had popped into a crystal shop to take a look at the lapis, and the lady commented on my blue nails and  how I was gravitating toward the deep blue lapis. The more I look at my pics, the more I notice myself in blue. Another color connection caught! I must need some help with communication and/ or my intuition. Lapis is a stone that represents both these chakras.

Violet is for Crown Chakra

The final and seventh chakra is the crown chakra. It embodies the highest of all spiritual traits, tying us to the higher power, cosmic-connectedness and receiving divine guidance. It is located on the top of the head and represented by the color violet. 

I read Phillip Pullman's fantasy book series starting with The Golden Compass which illustrates the tribal idea of cutting off a person's skin at the top of the head in order for them to more easily receive divine guidance. Now don't go cut off your head people! That's taking it a bit far AND the book is fiction but illustrates the idea in association with where it is located on the body.

To energize this chakra, meditate on violet and focus on the top of your head being clear and open. Perhaps you even have a light shining down through your crown giving you energy. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Keeping it short. Eclipse News Flash!!!!

I meant to blog about all three eclipses this Spring but in the true nature of an eclipse (packing a bigger punch than a full moon when it comes to crazy), I have had an action packed few weeks that piled onto my plate the following: a lot of new work, totaling my Dad's car in a traffic jam 'rear ending' situation - ugh, and on a positive note, some really fun events with friends. In short, I could never grab a minute to post.

However, I didn't want Memorial Day Weekend to go by without at least alerting you all of tonight's Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse. I will keep it short and sweet. The two signs involved are Sagittarius and Gemini. The Sun is in Gemini - lots of your Gemini friends have birthdays right? And the moon is in Sagittarius.

Consider the elements of a Sagittarius for what this Full Moon Eclipse might inspire us to do. I read a blog post today that I really liked and I can't seem to find it again to share with you. It read something to the effect of.....we need to get out ahead of our desires and dreams instead of waiting for the Universe to give us a sign. Sag has a broad mind, sees broad horizons and doesn't stick with the status quo. Perhaps the lesson here is empowering us to take ownership of what lays before us like a firey Sagittarius.

Keep in mind eclipses may effect things for several weeks before and after they happen, and they make things a bit crazier (for good and bad) than a Full Moon does by itself. They create a lot of energy out there for people to react. SO, if you are wondering what all the crazy is - the eclipse can be your explanation this weekend.

There's your news flash. Short and Sweet!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I'm about a week late on this post. But, I didn't want to leave you all hanging during what is supposed to be an astrologically significant time - Thus the following post on Spring eclipses.

If you've ever taken 7th grade science you know what an eclipse is...technically. And if you've read my blog in the past then you know what an eclipse is....astrologically.

You don't remember???? Alright, let me refresh you. A lunar eclipse happens always at the full moon and signifies the culmination and ripening of a situation. Pretty much any full moon signifies this, but the fact this full moon is during a lunar eclipse makes it stronger. A solar eclipse happens at the new moon and can signify a new beginning.

Ooooh Look! A diagram that I stole it off the internet!

The lunar eclipse on April 25 is followed by a solar eclipse May 10 and another lunar eclipse May 25. Thus, eclipse season. Eclipses shake things up.... here we go!

Last week on April 25 there was a full moon in the sign of Scorpio while the Sun is in Taurus. This means that there will be a push pull between the energies represented by Taurus and by Scorpio. Taurus represents worldly belongings, matter, security and life's simple tangible 'things.' Scorpio represents change, transformation, and belongings you share with others. The Universe will be challenging us to let go of that which makes us feel secure in order to transform and move forward in our lives. Do you know any Taurus folks? Then you know this sign is one-hell-ov-a stubborn bull. Imagine all of us embodying this huff and puff, holding on for dear life as the Universe asks us to LET IT GO. What do you need to let go in order to move forward in your life? Good question....

Scorpio in the other hand encourages us to look to transform and delve into the mysteries of life. Scorpio is highly emotional and brings those things that we've buried deep down to come to the surface, whether it be our ignored needs or wishes. Not so comfortable, a little scary, but it's our path. We all know what we are supposed to do, just keep asking your inner voice.

These same planets were involved in the eclipses that also happened this past November 2012. So you may see issues that you were dealing with in November, come back to the surface to resolve or break away.

You may see this lunar eclipse effect your life in the next few weeks, or the subsequent eclipses effect your life even up until June 8. The eclipses are happening all Spring and play off one another, so look out for the unexpected change, epiphanies and other interesting surprises in your life that encourage you to let go of your comfort zone and change.

I will try and post again next week about what you can expect from the eclipse May 10.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Illumination, the Full Moon

Tomorrow there is a Full Moon factor. I remembered I wanted to write about it last night as I peeked out my window to see which neighbor had left their porch light on. This happens to me once a month (obviously just once a month). I always notice a light shining in my window as bright as a light bulb and I realize it's just the big luminous full moon. Last night I felt like the (almost) full moon was shining its beam right through my blinds and onto the exact spot where I sleep in my bed. I wondered if that direct light and energy shining all night effects a person. So I did some homework and here is how it might be effecting your world.

This month's full moon occurs tomorrow March 27 at 5:28am EST in the sign of Libra. Full moons bring things to a culmination usually involving emotions. Libra rules balance, harmony, love, and relationships. Opposing this full moon is the Sun is in Aries, the sign of basic self needs and action. Libra and Aries are opposite signs directly across from one another on the zodiac wheel so this is especially interesting.

It means there is a tug of war or things finally come to a head, to light, etc. On one side of the rope you have the 'self' (Aries) and on the other 'partnership' (Libra). There may come to pass a conflict on expressing yourself in a relationship, choosing a relationship over yourself, or some other combination of sorts between what YOU want and need and what can make a partnership feel balanced. So don't be afraid to change, speak up for yourself, or listen to what someone you love needs and be open to letting your grip go in order to achieve balance and change.

And to give this whole opposition another big bang, Venus, Mars and Uranus are all also in the sign of Aries. Venus reps love, money, relationships (note this isn't JUST romantic relationships and love but the whole gambit). Uranus is unpredictability and self expression. Mars is that planet moving things forward through action. So what the hell does all this mean? Here's the best I understand.... it means that the Universe will take all those aspects of your life, mentioned above (love or money, a struggle between self and relationships, unpredictable events and action), shake 'em up and throw them back out on the table in a new formation. The pieces of your life will look a bit different after the fact, but it's a good thing. This is a moment in the sky when we are all getting bit of astrological transformation.

So there you have it. This is supposed to be a powerful full moon. Transformative, surprising, and a bit rough.

I'd love to hear your feedback on what's going on in your life.....anything crazy happen? Post a comment below or on Facebook.

Monday, March 11, 2013


My last post in February was about all the heavenly bodies above our heads being in the sign of Pisces - the watery sign of the fish. It's a sign that takes the path longest traveled, winds about, moves and is swayed by the slightest force of wind and feels emotional, nebulous and indirect.

If you've been eager or impatient to make much needed changes in your life, this energy may have driven you insane. Even as a water sign myself (I'm a Cancer), this drove me nuts. I wanted to shake life by the shoulders and say MOVE!

But fear not! Tomorrow, March 12, Mars - the planet of passion, action and drive will enter the sign of Aries where it is VERY at home. The zodiac sign of Aries is ruled by Mars so these two get along quite nicely. The flowy energy we've all been dealing with will ignite with fire, decision, drive, and motion forward. HOORAY. Are you guys ready?

Mars stays in this sign until April 20, 2013, so expect this period to be about aggression, action, making choices, having choices made for you (by dear ole Universe), things heating up, and feeling impulsive.
One thing about Aries, that I've described in earlier posts, is that this sign can almost be like a newborn baby. All that is important are the needs of the here and now. So during this time, people may be impatient to make decision and take action where they don't give a lot of thought to consequence or the needs of those around them. But, at this point, who cares!!!!  We have had PLENTY of time to consider other people's feelings the last month or so while Pisces - an emotional planet  - ruled our actions.

So be prepared, good luck and keep me posted on what fires get lit and what fireworks explode in your world!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Give in and go with the Pisces flow.

Are you someone who can't operate efficiently in anything but absolutes and that can't stand nebulous-ness (I know, I know. Is that even a word?).

I am posting today because I have heard similar themes in the sentiments spoken among my friends in the past few weeks that sound like echoes of what I've said to myself.

For me, life - (ehhh, let's not blame it on life), I have been a bit unclear, hazy, and even a little uncommitted in direction. It seems that life sends me off in one direction then changes it's mind and pulls me back in the seemingly opposite direction. So how am I supposed to get anywhere zig zagging back in forth? For someone who likes their path to be more concrete, clear and firm - it's been insanely confusing.  But then I found some validation in the stars. Of course.

On February 1st, Mars (the planet of action, aggression and passion) entered the sign of Pisces. If you remember my post about the zodiac sign of Pisces - it's this floaty, dreamy, creative, emotional sign focused on the inner journey of the soul. It deals less in action and more in passivity. Pisces goes with the flow. Pisces operates on intuition and not a physical compass of logic. Pisces loves to dream.
So what does it mean when the planet Mars floating above all of our heads moves into a sign like Pisces? It means that Mars will take on the qualities of Pisces and our actions will be less action-ey and more thoughtful, feely, and seemingly 'go with the flow.' Not real fun when you are anxious to dive into making some real progress.

If we can give in to going with the flow and know that this is the energy that we need to work with, it might help us all from going crazy. Anne Ortelee in her column last week, described a sailboat.
She suggested that sometimes you have to use the wind instead of fighting to go against the wind. It may seem like you are going the wrong direction and away from shore for a while, but that is really just how you use the wind (or energy) to get to the right place. Maybe it doesn't make sense at the time, but all this curvy trail we are following is actually the better trail than the straight forward one. If you can see it from a distance, this picture above and the one below make sense. Who is gonna plow through that mountain instead of following the road that curves to and away from the mountain. Why not float on the lazy river that takes a little longer instead of struggling to hack through the forrest. And along the way, maybe we are gaining a deeper insight from the journey. And all the maneuvers we need to sail or drive or float will be valuable once we reach the destination.

Secondly, last Tuesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) entered Pisces as well. So apply the aforementioned descriptors to any and all communication going in your life until April 13 (which is when it shifts into Aries). People may be less committed, more ethereal, and definitely speaking from an emotional place.

This is a whole heck of a lot of Pisces energy to deal with. So my plan - Give in and go with dang flow.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Your year in a minute

Happy New Year friends!

Humor me.....

I thought these little one minute video forecasts by Anne Ortelee were fun.
You can send the links to your friends, warning those Cancers and Geminis about their forecasted weight gain and your Aries friends about the crazy about to ensue, YIKES!
Just click the pink link below!

You should know your Sun sign by now, so watch the appropriate video. AND if you know your rising sign, watch that one too (it's of equal importance.)

If you don't know your rising sign,  you can calculate it by the link below if you know your birth time and city. Your rising sign is the Ascendent sign, or the sign coming into the horizon at the exact time and place of your birth.

Go to Birth Chart Interpretations