Monday, December 22, 2014

Saturn shifts into Saggitarius

My friends are noticing again that something is shifting! So it seemed like time for another post.
And how appropriate that a few of them have picked up on FIRE! I will explain below....

December 23rd, Saturn the task master planet shifts out of water sign Scorpio where it has been since November 2012. For the past two plus years, we've had a personal trainer (Saturn) kicking our asses when it comes to our psyches (think scuba diving in deep deep water). That murky part of your being is ruled by Scorpio and we've been asked . . .  er uhhhh FORCED . . . to take a look at our habits, patterns, deep rooted nature and a more psychological view of ourselves. You should be able to look back and see emotional growth in your life through hard lessons.

Are you ready for a break from the emotion and over thinking? Me too! And you get one for 29 years!

Saturn changes signs every 28-29 years and rotates through the 12 signs.

Next up on its list: Sagittarius. . .

We are already climbing out of the watery swamps of Scorpio and into the fire and hit land tomorrow.  Can you feel the warmth? Are you starting to dry off? Sagitarrius is a positive, happy, optimistic sign and truthfully blunt. Sag strives to keep an eye on the horizon throughout the journey and have a big picture vision of what it wants. It sometimes skips the details and nicities and gets right to it. End Goal!? Big Vision!? That's Sag. Sag is fiery, competitive, philosophical, focused on core beliefs, frank and direct.

But what happens when this cheerful archer meets up with the school of hard knocks Saturn?
Will our plans to reach our warm sunny visions be stopped in their tracks by our eternal boot camp instructor? No, not quite.

However, Saturn may notice that we've been dreaming, scheming, and creating a vision of what we want without writing detailed specifics on paper and he is going to ask us to do just that. Saturn will get all up in that fiery vision of the future and ask you to answer all the hard questions on HOW you will accomplish this and if it is indeed what you truly want. Marching forward towards the distant mountains is all well and good, but Saturn is going to make sure you truly understand what it takes to get there and test your beliefs, philosophies and ideas around your plans.

While Scorpio felt like a trip to a therapists office, Sagittarius is all about creation.  Fire can symbolize burning away old standing buildings and making room for new, or forging together hot metal to build solid structures. We can even think of a volcano, it erupts and destroys, but creates new land formations with its hot lava flow. The next two years will engage this energy and put it to task in a real way.

We all are different signs, and Saturn in Sagittarius may effect each of our lives in a different way. For the area of your chart it might effect, check out the Astro Twins website....'AstroStyle'
These ladies are real, actual astrologers and know what they are taking about....

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Leave it; Love it - Eclipse time again!

The next of our two October eclipses is upon us! Thursday....

Some of us may already be feeling the intensity. Right around eclipses (whether life is good or bad) Things. Get. Frazzled. 
Random freak occurrences, accidents, happy surprises and events from out of the blue can pack our schedules and occupy our focus. But if we breathe and watch this hustle and bustle float by in front of us with an observer's eye, we can probably lift a nice little message from the Universe out of it. UNI is always talkin' to us!

Two weeks prior to October 8th until two weeks past October 23rd, we can expect to feel the craziness of the eclipses. All of our charts are different and we may feel it in different ways. A few articles I've perused definitely made an impression. I picked up that with Mercury in retrograde since October 4th, we've almost been reliving the past. Perhaps we've been through repeat experiences similar to another time in our lives. Maybe ghosts from the past have popped up unexpectedly; some same ole, same ole experiences have come into play. But how did we all deal with it this time around? Was the reaction new? Were you ready to shed your old ways? Did we deal with things with a lighter and more knowledgable POV? Have you grown?

Also, eclipses are all about awareness. Check the link below to see what HOUSE these eclipses fall in based on your sign and this indicates how they may effect you? Once you see the house, just google for example "second house astrology", etc to see what part of your life it represents. Is life throwing occurrences your way that reflect what these houses symbolize??? DING DING. That's where we need revision!

And on to Thursday's eclipse, specifically. It's in Scorpio; it's a new Moon. New Moons are great chances for fresh starts, but this eclipse amps that up ten fold. Eclipses are super charged versions of whatever the moon is doing. Scorpio is already a pretty intense sign and with that we'll be diving to our depths, shining the flashlight, unearthing our true selves, experiencing transformation, and rooting out the things we have hidden away. The Sun sheds light on our fears, bad habits and flushes them away so we can finally transform. Intense change!

The good news, according to my astrological resources (or at least one of them), this is supposed to be a NICE eclipse. Good eclipse, be nice please! Last April's eclipse? Uhhh, that one was pretty mean;  necessary but harsh. I think we deserve nice...yes? This one ushers in love, creativity, money matters, relationships and rebirth. We'll review, we'll pass the test, we'll see that all our fears and negative thoughts are only created by ourselves. We will let them go. The light of the Sun now gives perspective to our hard lessons from the past year or so and we can finally be free to move forward. Hooray! I don't know about you but I am game for that plan.

Thats the gist of what I am reading anyway.

So there ya go. Happy Eclipsing. Would love to hear what's going on in your world.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Eclipse Anticipation. . .

It is that time again, when the lights in the sky get turned off and then back on again. A full moon eclipse is coming up on Wednesday October 8th (the first of several eclipses this Fall). This means the earth will block the light of the Sun from the surface of the Moon and then slowly illuminate it again. It always makes me think of the scene from CLUE where as the tension builds, the lights go off and come back on again revealing a new truth and something never seen before.

Scroll to about :45 seconds in. Love this movie, so classic!

Back on topic . . .

In my own world and the world of my dear friends, there have been many themes of tension building, waiting for shifts, palpable excitement (although not necessarily happy), anticipation, etc. And so it was important that I investigate the stars on this one. And after reading all my go to resources, I have found that there a few things coming into play the next week that heap on top of the already intense energy of a full lunar eclipse. Here is why it's a mix of complicated energies.

Mercury is in retrograde.
While we are talking about full moons, and eclipses, why not throw another astrological cliche into the mix. It is cliched for a reason. Starting on October 4, Mercury, the planet of communication, moves "backwards" symbolizing snafus in technology, old ghosts popping back into your life and generally a bad time to lock down NEW contracts, deal ands relationships. Mercury goes forward again nearing the end of October meaning that we'll revisit old issues in October and with the energy of the eclipse, we can possibly begin to move forward again with new information and a fresh perspective once it gets going again in November. It's just like the characters in CLUE move forward to solve the mystery in a different way after that 'lights off' scene. Twists and turns!!! Drama. Yes!

Then. . .
Uranus squares Pluto and then trines Mars and then opposes the Sun.
Next up on the heap is Uranus - busy little sucker. It's creating some serious astrological combos, coming into all sorts of aspects with several planets during October.
Uranus is unexpected, unconventional, creates surprises, and throws new items into the mix. It first squares Pluto on 10/4 which can be summed up as an energy of 'unexpected transformation.' You've got two pretty powerful planets connecting. Pluto is all about renewal and rebirth. A day later on 10/5, Mars trines Uranus which denotes 'positive action forward.' Mars is the planet of aggression, movement, war and passion and mixed with unexpected Uranus, we can prepare to move forward in an unexpected way.
Finally, on 10/7 the Sun opposes Uranus. The Sun represents our self so our souls can experience a desire for freedom and to assert our own personal power as our unique and unconventional selves.

Ok so you get the gist of this energy. How many times did I type unexpected? Think freedom, rebellion, standing out from the usual, surprises, twists and turns.

And add to it . . .

The first of 2 Eclipses. 
On October 8, the infamous eclipse energy turns off the lights. This eclipse takes place in the sign of Aries which is all about the individual. The Sun is currently in Libra which and Libra is relationships and partnerships, balance, and diplomacy. So this eclipse will be a stand off between folks asserting their personal power and self but balancing that with wanting to maintain and cultivate relationships - whether that it is business, love, family. How do you find the balance? The warning is to not be hasty during eclipses. They are powerful and decisions you make during this time (especially with impulsive Aries in the mix) can be lasting and impactful. It is always good to sit back and give yourself space during these times. At the end of the day, the eclipse energy will triumph and push you to a new phase of life or way of thinking. We need these eclipses to push our boundaries and out of our comfort zones.

Summing up the above, I am trying to tie all these different thoughts together. Here's what I surmise. We review. New information comes to light, things shift unexpectedly and we try to. . . OR now maybe with this new information or twist we are finally ABLE. . . to assert who we really are. Our desire to be unique bubbles up to the surface but challenges the balance of our relationships . . . with our partners, bosses, family. We need to slow down and not buy into Aries hasty energy. Instead balance, and be diplomatic while still taking the opportunity at large to expand your personal power.

No matter what the event is that is happening in your life, it's good to remember that we are only in so much control of life. These experiences happen upon us purposefully to unearth issues, make us deal with old wounds and challenge bad habits and old ways of thinking. It is never merely about the concrete thing that is happening at the time - the career change, the breakup, the family argument, the birth of the child, the beginning of a relationship etc. How is this event challenging your thinking about relationships and what you need to assert for yourself OR stop asserting for yourself. How can you feel comfortable as your unique self but nurture the relationships that carry us along?

Good luck with Eclipse number 1. Stay tuned for news on number 2, which happens on October 23.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Freaky Friday Full Moon

There's nothing freaky about this Friday the 13th Full Moon. Sorry for the misleading headline.

Tomorrow's non-freaky Full Moon occurs while the Sun is in Gemini and the Moon is in Sagittarius.
As I've written about before, Full Moons are culminations of events and when things come to a head. And as we integrate these two signs, Gemini and Sagittarius, into the interpretation of this monthly astrological event, we can kind of imagine that the ideas and elements the signs represent are facing off to one another. They are representing a contrast of ideas.

Sagittarius, the sign that represents travel and seeking out knowledge encourages us to think broader, higher, and become that more erudite person. (I was really dying to use erudite here and sound, well….erudite.) Gemini juggles a million ideas at once. He's dying to know a little about everything and as fast as possible…you could use the phrase, "a jack of all trades and a master at none." He's in the details, which yes, in their own time are important as well. But opposing this, Sagittarius may be asking us to drop the handfuls of details we are currently focusing on and step back to look at the big picture. Let's use our intuition and drop the analytics.

Sagittarius also is known for being blunt and getting straight to the point. So perhaps we can imagine that we are on a journey and constantly looking at our compass, analyzing the path, looking down for rocks, thinking about whether the contents of our lunch will be enough to sustain us….and suddenly someone slaps the bottom of our chin so we suddenly stop and look up! AH HA! We finally see the grander view. And we might realize that we don't need a lunch packed at all, or that there are other signs besides a compass and rocks to guide us. Epiphanies tend to slap us upside the head. So with this full moon perhaps Sagittarius will guide you to your epiphany and give you the a big wide perspective.

Say thanks to Gemini for inspiring you to watch the details to get from here to there, but don't forget to look up every now and again to get perspective.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Rolling forward with fire

This post is a bit late, but I wanted to share another important astrological happening that will be relevant for a few weeks or months. Mars in Libra went retrograde back on March 1. Everything ruled by Mars stopped, stationed, then started rolling the other way. Like anything rolling backwards, it came right back over the SAME ground it had just rolled forward on. Ideas ruled by Mars include men, power, action, sex, war, confidence, courage and competion. And things ruled by Libra are love, relationships (any kind), judiciousness, balance, and harmony. So we may have seen some of these aspects of our lives slow down or we may have reassessed some of these things this Spring.

It is time to hold on to your hats (or really last week you shoulda started holdin' on to your hats) because Mars has now started moving forward. As of May 20th, this firey planet in the sign of love and partnerships changed directions once again to make us go back over the same ground we did in the Spring but this time with action, confidence and courage fully engaged!

I wrote about the eclipse a few weeks back that put us in /on new soil. Some of us might feel like we've entered a new phase of our lives. The Spring was a review of our lives or a topic in our lives . As Anne Ortelee explains (to paraphrase) Think reading a phrase in a book, then going back over to highlight it. Now we open up the book once again and skim to find those highlighted phrases and put them into action. (Check out Anne's awesome weekly weather at and her post from May 28th).

A power struggle made productive
Mars is in the sign of Libra and has been since the Fall. The Mars retrograde period was a silent mulling over and possible build up of thoughts and feelings. Well, as Mars gains momentum and moves forward to go over the same ground YET AGAIN, many of these thing BURST to the surface to play out. How can they not! We've been over this ground 3 times and now we do so with power! With the combination of Mars and Libra (one very masculine and one very feminine), we can expect power issues in relationships (romantic, business, and family) resulting in learned cooperation OR else bursting into chaos. We can expect that taking action in relationships will lead to love and harmony OR (as 'celestial space' blog says) when that action is based in fear, it can just cause a big ole mess. How will your power struggle play out? Move forward in LOVE, understanding and respect and get the better outcome!

In the last paragraph, I am summing up an article below.
Please read it. Such an amazing outline of power, and the male and female of Mars vs. Libra.

Onward with Mars!!! Good Luck!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Look, Listen, HEAR - Gemini NEW Moon

Without having looked at astrological websites, I could already feel that the last week and this current week are both meaningful and charged. (That's speaking for myself at least).
Last week we had Mars start to move forward (look for a post tomorrow on that).

And . . .

Today, May 28th, the moon is NEW in the sign of Gemini (the twins). Remember on our New Moons, we start new projects or try to embrace new habits that are reflective of all that the sign of Gemini encompasses - expression, communication, and mental activity.

While researching this post, I read something that very much resonated with me and is in line with Gemini communication....about not only learning to express yourself but making sure you do the second side of communication which is to ingest, learn, HEAR, take in. Sometimes I think I do that, but there are times when we have to realize that taking IN information is actually a huge challenge communicating with someone not as skilled at expressing themselves. It takes patience and uh . . . patience. Thanks Gemini exposing two sides to the coin yet again. This time on communication. Twins indeed. But definitely something to think about as we embrace new habits at this new moon.

There is an astrological aspect with Neptune coming in to play as well....Neptune is the sign of illusion. We've all been there when seemingly shocking information comes to the surface. We never saw it coming (but we would have if we were looking). Also Neptune is FAMOUS for showing up in Love situations. He's the guy that encourages us to pull the wool over our eyes and to believe what we want as opposed to listening to what others say. We've all worn those proverbial rose colored glasses until we were ready to embrace the truth (a Piscean trait).
Then BAM. We see it all so clearly.

And to continue this listening and communication theme which is clearly supported by the Gemini New Moon, I had a conversation with my new boss today about this very idea of trying to let your gut tell you the truth. Despite popular belief, intuition is NOT a 6th sense. It is an observing and taking in the physical, verbal and energetic communication that people put out there and taking it at face value. It's true that someone will tell you who they are in the first few mintues of meeting them. It is our job to LISTEN! So yes, always work to express yourself maturely and compassionately and firmly BUT for those folks who may already do so . . . take the energy of this new moon and let it support you on a new habit of listening. And usually your gut has the answer.

So in short. The New Moon is asking us to focus on starting new communication habits and putting a spotlight on where we might improve.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April showers bring May flowers - New Moon in Taurus

Today is the last dramatic event of this very astrologically dramatic April. Or I guess it was projected to be dramatic. Mine was eventful and clarifying. Today is a solar eclipse which falls on a new moon in the sign of Taurus. Eclipses are more intense versions of a new or full moon. They can cause unexpected events. And with a solar eclipse, they can cause things to be obscured which then come to light. But I will speak in terms of earthly Taurus to explain how you can best interpret this astrological event.

Taurus is an earth sign and a lover of physical pleasures  - touch, taste, sight, sound and an appreciation of everything that comes out of this earth. (even money comes from the earth - it's made of trees right?) Taurus is rooted to the ground and has a strength in establishing security.

So if this past lunar eclipse at the beginning of April and the Cardinal Cross that happened last week created an earthquake in your life; then it's time to assess the so called 'damage.' While change you don't control sucks, you can look at this shake up in your life and recognize it as a mere shifting and changing to the ground you stand on. Instead of firm, hard soil, you now stand on ground that's been all tilled up and is able to be farmed. The useless weeds got pulled up, the weak buildings crumbled to the ground and the strong buildings have stayed standing. Everything you have to work with that is left in your life is now ready for planting a seed.

If my imagery above wasn't clear enough for ya. . . The message on this new moon is to sow what you'd like to reap in the future. Be present; water the seed; root yourself into the ground to create. I once had someone tell me that a tree has branches that can extend way up into the air. It can become intensely complex, unique and beautiful and can create new trees by producing more seeds that travel long distances. But none of that is possible without first rooting yourself into the ground and committing.

What has come to light this past month for you? What is clearer? Stand firm on knowing what you want in your life and in your gut and put a seed in the ground to start growing. Look around you at all that didn't make it through this so called earthquake. The universe asked you to say goodbye to the old structures and is creating something new and different for your life - so you have to trust and see what blooms!

There weren't a ton of technical things to explain about this new moon, but I posted this column based on what I have read and also how I personally am feeling. Let me know if this resonates with you!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Heads up - Tomorrow is a Full Moon Eclipse

There is a much buzz about a blood moon tomorrow. Seems like a mystical, dark and fore-boding term but blood moons aren't that uncommon. The astrological drama people are buzzing about really should have nothing to do with the fact that the moon may have a red hue. In fact, most Lunar Eclipses ALL take on a red hue. But that's
not really why this full moon is so notable. So before you start to imagine that this week will bring your own version of the Game of Thrones Red Wedding. Calm it down a notch and read some other reasons why you should pay attention this week.

1. It's an eclipse. All eclipses are just super intense full moons. Tomorrow's eclipse falls in the sign of Libra while the Sun opposes it in Aries. So like I've expained in prior eclipses, there will be a push pull between the traits of Libra which value partnerships, weighing details (which might be trivial to an Aries) and putting an emphasis on love and compassion. Aries, in a very different manner, wants you to move. As in NOW. GO! Forget those frivolous matters of comfort, saying long goodbyes and making pros and cons lists. Move! Move!
Ah, but there's always a compromise. To move into partnership (Libra) you DO have to act (Aries). So this may mean moving out of old outdated comfortable habits and into a new situation that suits our higher way of being.

2. There's a tetrad of Full Moons following tomorrow's. OK so this is the first I have heard of this, BUT apparently there is some biblical significance to the fact that there are no partial eclipses in between the next 4 full moons happening in the next 2 years. So you know, there are always 2 Lunar eclipses each year anyway. Always. So, I don't quite get it and I am not getting into this, because I don't know much about it and I don't know how it applies to astrology. But here's a link for more. . . I don't feel better informed per the article. Please comment below if you do know more!

3. This eclipse is happening during the upcoming formation of Grand Cardinal Cross. Click this link below on my article about this intense astrological event. Life will be 'a changing. Yeeeeeee!

So in short, hold on to your hats. I hate to imbue any negativity onto this event. I feel we all just have a shake up in our lives coming and it could be good or bad or hard or fun. Who knows. I do think we influence our own futures, so think positive! Life may feel unsteady or uncomfortable but if changes are afoot for you just have faith that you are moving into your future . . . which I'm thinking is gonna be BRIGHT!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

You feeling it?

Yes. I talk about energy and what it FEEEEEELs like out there. It's hippy dippy. It's new agey. I am SORRY!

Actually I'm not sorry. When y'all start to get stressed out, you're gonna like the validation, I promise!
But seriously - any of you guys feeling this changing, shifting, energy? I sure as hell am! Where is stable ground???

My favorite astrology sites have been talking up the craziness of April 2014 since last Fall. I've written about eclipses before. They happen twice a year and they create shifts and changes. And depending on which signs these eclipses fall within determines where the change might happen in your life and gives an overall theme to the eclipses. But the reason that these upcoming April eclipses are so buzzed about is because there is also an additional rare element called a Cardinal Grand Cross involved. Let me explain a little more. . .

Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto form a cross when the first two and last two planet sit across from each other. Opposition causes tension and conflict. And the astrological Cardinal signs involved in this whole deal are the signs that represent primal action, moving forward, pioneering ahead. They ALL initiate change. There are no fixed signs involved and no mutable signs. All the hard core instinctual action takers are on deck. Those signs are Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Libra. To add to that, those signs also represent "Myself (I)" "Home" "Career" and "Relationships (We)" respectively. Ummm, that's kind of your whole life in a nutshell that is represented in this cross - this action / changing / 'moving forward' aspect in the sky.

All this sets us all up to have some pretty drastic - (possibly much needed but unexpected) - change in our lives. And this aforementioned cross is in its exact formation on April 23-24.

The Full Moon and New Moon eclipses involved happen on April 15 (Full Moon in Libra) and April 29 (New Moon in Taurus). I'll keep you posted on those. But you can see that all this is happening in one big chunk, right in the middle of April!

Interestingly enough in my life, my parent's birthdays are both the key dates of April 15 and 24. They are about to make one of the biggest changes in 30 years by moving from their long time home. It's a huge emotional and physical change for them. I just see lots of 'coincidences' floating around with dates and things lining up during this time.

So if you are "feeling it" right now, you might just be tuning into this building energy that will culminate in April. Perhaps solid things are sliding away or adjusting every so slightly to make room for the Universe to shift you? The firm and solid in your life is probably starting to 'heat up' to make you more malleable.

We are feeling the heat bubbling from this volcano about to blow in April. But not to worry. I believe worry is a total waste. Volcanoes create the most beautiful land formations after all is said and done AND we can't control it …even if we tried.

Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii

So stay tuned for more change in your life! I will try and keep posting to keep you updated. I would love to hear how it might be effecting you!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Everything is moving!

I promised you a post yesterday. I didn't do it. Get over it.

Oooooh, that's my Mars anger coming out. Mars is acting all crazy as are many other planets and it is all happening THIS week.

This is a week that astrologist have flagged for a while that will be pretty profound. And maybe this week will just seem hectic and you'll look back at this time and say…oh yeah, things kinda started shaking up that week.

Here is why….
Planets in the sky are moving and shaking. Some are starting to move backwards, some are moving forward after having been backwards.  This is equivalent to being on an amusement park ride, full force in forward motion which then stops and starts moving you backwards. It's a dang weird feeling and takes a minute to get used to the new direction. You go right back over the same tracks you had JUST gone over . . . Mars, Mercury and Saturn are the culprits this week for this disorientation. There are also two smaller 'planets' moving - Ceres and Vesta, but let's focus on the bad boys.

Mars and Saturn are not the nicest planets which could lend some negative energy to this week. They are tough and big and BOTH going retrograde this week. In addition Mercury has BEEN retrograde and will once again move forward.

Mars going retrograde on March 1 will ask us to review the actions we have set in motion. Mars is action, war, anger, men and sex. So these impulses will calm and slow. Being angry and direct may not seem as effective. Oh, and someone told me to tell you that we might experience passive aggressiveness. Men will start acting funny. They'll go back over things and reconsider. And finally, Mars will ask us to reassess and tweak our actions until the end of May when it goes forward again.

Saturn goes retrograde March 2. I REALLY don't know a lot about Saturn retrograde, so I am referring you to another site to read up. To recap the article below….sounds like Saturn is about limitations, structure, karma, life lessons, convention and boundaries. Best I can muster up here is that Saturn retrograde will have us go back over old ground with the eyes inspired by the aforementioned traits. Perhaps if you've not put enough hard work, structure, etc into something you can reassess and will have to put those elements into your life now. Read below for a more educated opinion.

And then comes this thing is a-happenin' . . . Jupiter Squares Uranus February 26.
Sending you over to a link here as well….in short - Jupiter reps expansion and Uranus reps enlightenment and individuality. So you will feel this urge to pursue a something in your current world to be more independent or create your unique vision.

And also…this is happening….New Moon in Pisces on March 1
No worries,  I got this one understood….I've explained New Moons before. These are a great time to start new projects, start over, etc. And with Pisces being a creative, feeling, understanding, psychic sign - all things in this vein will be inspired with a fresh start.

Ok. I am worn out. That is all I can tell you about this week . . . there is probably more I left out but that's all you get.

See! this week is draining me as well!

Good Luck and keep me posted on any craziness in your world.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Did last week shift for you? Astrological nodes . . . shaking things up.

I love it when you guys hit me up to find out why your weeks have been so stressful, crazy, jumbled, confusing and chaotic. You seek astrological answers??? From little ole meeeee? YES!
At some point, I have clearly begun luring you over to the 'dark side' muh ha ha ha ha!

Last week and this week, I have had a few friends ask me to blog about why it might be so CUH RA ZEE. So here we go. . .

A quick explanation on last week, the week of Feburary 17. Yes,  it has already passed, but the changes last week will apply for a while. This is one of those astrology mumbo jumbo explanations, so I am gonna skim here to make it easy and more fun.

Nodes: Nodes are astrological aspects that explain that as humans we all come into this life with things we are already great at (and COMFORTABLE with) and aspects where we can be developed and rise to a higher level of being. The comfy Node is our South Node and that high achieving Node is the North Node. These Nodes are opposite signs of one another - directly across from the astrological wheel. So if your South is Cancer, your North is Capricorn. South Gemini / North Sagittarius, and so on.  To strive to step up to your North Node sort of karmically balances us. Otherwise we aren't as well rounded as human beings in our existence here on earth. The North Node is always a huge challenge for us.  . . a damn hard workout that we are absolutely capable of but we don't really always want to do.

We all have specific Nodes in our charts based on when we were born which apply to our lives personally, but the Nodes also change signs and apply generally to everyone's astrological 'weather.'

Cafe Astrology offers a great explanation (better than mine) below.

Last week these things…these Nodes, shifted.

Since August 2012 the South and North Node have been in Taurus /Scorpio respectively. On February 18, they shifted into Aries (South Node) and Libra (North Node).
This means that the sky is presenting us all and the energy of the world a NEW challenge. Let's all step out of the comfort zone of Aries (or what Aries represents) and challenge ourselves to step up to the higher level of being that Libra represents. Aries is very me, me, me, my needs, impulsive, driving forward fast and Libra is very us, partnerships, weighing both sides of the coin, collaborating, partnering. So read up on those two signs and apply accordingly.

Energetically it's gonna feel like this: There is a REALLY valuable stock that you have the opportunity to buy into TODAY or else you may miss out on a big win in the future. Ahhh…. BUT, in order to do this, you gotta get the money from your business partner. And your business partner is the type of person that wants to make a pros and cons list first AND they want count out all the money to make sure it's the right amount . . . oh in pennies, no less . . . before you can tell you broker to BUY BUY BUY. You HAVE to partner to do this, you can't move forward on your own, but this partnership conflicts with your fast moving, impulsive, "I wanna go NOW" comfort zone of making your own decisions.

It's also one of those times where you later learn that your biz partner actually made you hundreds of thousands MORE by catching a mistake, or offering an enlightened perspective. Then you have to say AH HA, I was wrong. . . Again.  Dammit Nodes. Partnering IS better. Now I'm smarter. Thanks for that hard lesson.

THIS is our challenge for the next few years….FUN!

THIS people is what it means when the Nodes change signs in 2014.

And now this blog is clearly too long, so I will save my 2nd blog for later this afternoon. It's gonna get messier this week! WHEEEEEEEeeeeeeee.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Year of the Horse

If you thought this was gonna be a lesson on the year of the horse; scroll to the bottom and link to other pages. I ain't gonna try and fake it too much. While I am no expert on Astrology in general, I can keep up with a complex conversation on western astrology. Chinese Astrology, not so much. But I did want to share with you two things that I thought were interesting and perhaps relevant.

1. How Chinese New Year is (or can be) relevant to Western Astrology.

Chinese Astrology is similar to Western Astrology in that it has 12 symbols of the zodiac and we all relate to one of those signs depending on when we are born. The difference is that while Western Astrology dictates 'YOUR SIGN' by birthdate within about a month timespan (June 21-July 22 are Cancers for example). Chinese Astrology dictates your sign based on the YEAR you were born.

So how can these 2 co-exist? I am sharing some insight from an article I read that made sense to me and allows me to make sense of both. So let's go with it, shall we?

In our charts we all have many planets that represent who we are, above and beyond the Sun (which is our classic astrological sign). We have the moon in our charts which changes phases every few days. Then we have Mercury, Venus and Mars that take a few months or  more than a few months to change signs. And then there's Jupiter which takes about a year. Because Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars differ from your peers since they change signs more often, these are called your personal planets. They are very specific to you and are going to be quite different from your buddy born earlier or later the same year. Now Jupiter and any planet beyond Jupiter moves through the sings slower and you are going to share these planets with peers around your age. These are more the generational and sub-generational planets. Jupiter specifically changes about once a year and THIS is how we can relate it to Chinese Astrology.

Jupiter's sign at the time of your birth represents your sense of purpose, the way you make your luck and generally your fortune

Find out where Jupiter Falls in your chart here!

These implied traits apply to you and peers within about a years time of your birth. You share a sense of purpose with those folks. So an astrologer likened the Chinese zodiac sign of the year as being similar to Jupiter. It's going to apply to all the folks born in the same year and be less specific to each person and more about the sense of purpose for that group. It represents the temperature of the world, the energy of the people, the vibe of the year and therefore this is infused into your being as you come into the world and experience life for the first time. While it doesn't line up timing wise EXACTLY….it's just a fun way to think about it.

Makes sense kinda…right?

Now my other shared thought of the day.

2: Today is the start of Chinese New Year and is another symbolic 'fresh start' that aligns with the New Moon on January 30 and Venus moving forward on January 31.

So, ummm... yeah….I know less here, BUT Happy Chinese New Year folks! The Horse is a symbol of movement, travel, strength, and luck. Apparently this will be a great year to see your projects off and running and to make changes, moves and be open to new experiences. The horse represents freedom; the horse is a bit wild and needs to be tamed! So off we gooooooo!

In lieu of me faking like  I know a lot about Chinese Astrology, I have posted some links to sites that offer more! Read away and look up your own horoscope for 2014!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January offers TWO chances for a new start.

In writing this from Atlanta in the midst of 'Snowpocolypse', I'm thinking about the ice melting, the chaos subsiding, people taking a deep breath and everyone looking to move forward tomorrow with a new day. Perfect timing according to the stars.

Tomorrow is not just the 2nd New Moon in January (the first was January 1) signaling a great time to start new resolutions in your life, but this moon comes the day before Venus moving forward AND Chinese New Year (both falling on January 31). I will cover the New Moon and Venus moving forward today. And tomorrow or Friday, I will offer a promise to write about the Chinese New Year. (hopefully I keep the promise!).

Let's start with this New Moon in the sign of Aquarius. Last post, I talked about the Sun in Aquarius and what qualities Aquarius brings (so check that out for more about the sign of the Water Bearer).  We are still in Aquarius season until February 18 and tomorrow the moon will be in the sign as well. The Moon is representative of our emotional nature, and a New Moon is the beginning of a fresh phase…a new start! We will be ready to move forward with the new, shed the past and start to embrace our unique vision of the future. Remember, Aquarius represents the future, one of a kind ideas and marching to the beat of your own drum. Aquarius is also humanitarian, group focused and appreciative of a social circle as opposed to the self.  I'm not sure about the whole U.S., and umm world? but here in Atlanta this city came together as a collective whole to help out fellow humans in yesterday's craziness. Maybe this quality will remain in people's minds as they move forward with the New Moon. There will be an energy of group support and love as folks choose to think differently about a situation and how to move ahead in life.

You may also hear about how this New Moon is a Supermoon. What does THAT mean? It just means that the moon will be extra close to earth. There are 2 of these Supermoons in January! (The first was on January 1st) Two new starts in one month! Powerful stuff. The moon will be closer to us and astrologists believe when the moon is closer, the effect is stronger and more potent than usual.

Alright . . . on to the next topic: Venus moves forward on January 31….two posts back I talked about how Venus has been retrograde since the end of December. We've seen Venus's darker side perhaps/ Venus being the sign of love and money, we've gone back over financial plans, heard from past loves and taken over a month to reassess issues in our minds. But January 31, this lovely goddess moves forward! It's time to take what we've learned in the retrograde and GO! Start the new job, put your financial plan into action, ride the wave of your love life with this new awareness as it moves forward. What have you learned and what will you choose to apply? Don't turn a blind eye to your lessons in love, work partnerships and money, lest you repeat them!

I am gonna steal a quote from a website  I thought this was quite insightful and don't want to mash it up.

The danger here is the illusion that by changing partners we can somehow break the pattern when in reality the saying goes, “swap the partner, keep the problem.” In that case, it might be better to take enough time to break the pattern internally before embarking on a new tryst. 

Read their whole post here:

Sage wisdom indeed. Lots of changes, challenges, new opportunities and learnings!

Venus Retrograde
Venus moves forward January 31
Aquarius New Moon January 30
Supermoon January 30
Aquarius Moon
Chinese New Year Astrology
January 30, 2104 astrology
Week of January 27 astrology
January astrology 
February astrology

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Step out of the shadows

Wake up! It's time to roll out of your Christmas food coma and jump into the New Year!

We've had several weeks to shake off the winter blues and the stars are backing us up as the Sun moves into Aquarius. The Sun being in a sign is the aspect that you are most familiar with when it comes to astrology. It  is what dictates your sign. SO, every year on January 20th the Sun moves into Aquarius until February 18.  That means all the little babies born between those dates will be Aquarians  and ALSO during that time, ALL of us are effected by the energy of the Sun in Aquarius.

How does it effect us? Aquarius is futuristic, mental, connecting, and offbeat. We are ready to step out of the confining practical Sun of Capricorn and become stimulated by those around us. This is a great time to shed outdated habits, relationships and other things in your life and adopt new ways of being. We'll be able to view things from an intellectual place as opposed to emotional. AND we'll want to engage our humanitarian muscles. Volunteering, standing up for the underdog at work, however you can interpret this - it's a great time to tackle those issues.

So step up and into that idealistic, creative off beat version of yourself and make efforts to chase that version of your dream during the next month. That could be anything from wearing an outfit that's a little outside your comfort zone to presenting an idea at work that people wouldn't expect to come from you.

Embrace your inner Aquarius and make the most of the Winter blahs.

….And a bloggy shout out to brand new baby Cosby Cooper and my good friend Keely. One brand spankin' new Aquarius, one seasoned. Shall you both always embrace living on a cloud. <3

Search Terms:
January Astrology
Week of January 19 Astrology
Week of January 20 Astrology
Week of January 26 Astrology 
Week of January 27 Astrology
Sun in Aquarius
Aquarius 2014
January 2014 Astrology
February 2014 Astrology
Sun sign astrology

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Feely Moon / Love is revised.

Hi friends!

A heads up on a few starry aspects to pay attention to in the next few days and weeks.

First, tonight's (January 14th) full moon falls in the sign of Cancer, the sign of water, security, feelings, and intuition. With energy building toward the culmination of this full moon, the Universe is asking us to get in touch with our intuition, feelings and nurturing side. It is asking us to take a look around and begin to appreciate all the things in your life that may be nurturing your mind and soul. AND, it asking you to nurture YOURSELF by listening to your intuition and act on it.

In addition to the full moon, Venus has been in retrograde since December 21 and will remain there until January 31. What does that mean? Well you've probably heard of Mercury in retrograde which is an optical illusion with the planets where it appears a planet moves backwards in relation to the other planets. And Mercury, the planet of communications makes anything related to that go haywire, people go back over old communications, contracts and it's a bad time to start anything new and a good time to revisit old conversations.

The same applies when Venus is retrograde, but since Venus is the planet of love and money, those same rules apply to that aspect of your life. In this period you may hear from old flames, revise the dynamic of a current relationship or have muddled and unclear communication in a relationship. It's basically a bad time to start NEW and a good time to revise current things in your love and money sector. As far as your money goes, now is a good time to revisit your finances, revise your plans for the future then wait to set new plans in motion until January 31.

The reason I mention both aspects is because they don't stand alone. Multiple aspects such as this are always happening in the sky and can intersect to cause some drama.

Good luck navigating the week! Use the stars to your advantage!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year Folks!

As you may have heard me say before, a NEW MOON is a great time to start resolutions, and there are 12 of those a year! But you non-astrologers may think the first of the year is an even better time….and usually those two things don't match up. But this year January 1st was actually on a New Moon making our new year's resolutions even more meaningful and powerful. It's been quite a few years since a New Moon fell exactly on the first day of the year. And can you believe I am 4 days late in telling you this. I hope you made some good resolutions! I totally missed the boat on this one.

It's been a busy holiday season so I am being lazy and sending you to some other sites for your New Year's astrology information. Delegating . . . 

Here are some great sites to get a feel for what 2014 may have in store for you….

Click here….
Cafe Astrology


Get Mobile and Download "The Daily Horoscope"app on your iPhone

And if that is too overwhelming, check out your horoscope for January 2014 to start!

Happy New Year!