Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year, New Page

Happy New Year's Eve!

Symbolically the new year brings a new fresh white page.  We bring the tools, the crayons, the paints and pencils that we have collected from experience and efforts of the past and then . . .

We create what we WILL!

(Although every single day really brings that clean white page.)

The future isn't set in stone or decided for us; we make choices. (Thus my capitalization of the word WILL)
However, there is energy out there in the Universe guiding us, assisting us, sometimes challenging us in creating the future. Therefore it's often interesting to consult your horoscope. I'll call it fun. I mean some people make stock market type decisions by this stuff. I just use it to validate myself. At the end of the day, these daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes can give you a little insight into the energy of the present.

For the new year, I have compiled a list sites that I often peruse when I am wondering what the hell is going on up in the sky. Those moments when I ask myself: Why is today so friggin' hard, so peaceful, so boring, so crazy, so energetic, so amazing?  Sometimes the forecasts help validate those questions.

Here are my favorite sites for . . .

Yearly 2013 forecasts
This site has it all but is a good one for the year ahead.

Monthly forecasts
This site posts monthly horoscopes on the 1st of the month.

A Weekly look ahead plus Daily horoscopes
Check this site for a short monthly overview, as well as daily horoscopes and once a week - gives you a look at the week ahead for love and general life.

Daily horoscopes
Your daily horoscope for today, yesterday and tomorrow. You can check it out per sign, OR see what the planets are doing for everyone in general. 

Weekly 'weather', A little more in depth
Posts a weekly weather report on general happenings for everyone in the week ahead....a little more wordy and less 'fun.' But if you are interested to learn more about astrology, this is a great one to check out.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pisces the Fish

You are last but not least Pisces! (Even though you are known to enjoy feeling sorry for yourself.) Cheer up! You are the final sign of the 12 signs of the zodiac representing death, uh ergh.... better yet, eternity. See! What a nice thing.

Dates: February 19 - March 20
Symbol: Fish
Planet: Neptune
Element: Water
Action: Mutable

And because Pisces comes last, it brings with it a few inherent qualities of all of the signs of the zodiac. Maybe this is why their understanding of people is immeasurable. They are a mutable sign, easily changeable and immensely open minded. With this, they are constantly seeking others to understand them as well.

They aren't know for their drive, aggressiveness or intensity. In fact, the glyph of Pisces symbolizes two fish swimming in opposite directions. These folks often feel pulled in two different directions and can come across as indecisive, dual natured or scattered.

The water in their sign represents emotion and these folks ride emotions like a wave. They are attuned almost psychically to the world,  feel others' sadness or hurt and can almost glamorize suffering to an extent. They are deeply sensitive. But with this sensitivity comes a long list of their talents and interests - healing, art, music, and anything that helps them express what they feel or ushers these fish along in their spiritual journey.

Ruled by Neptune which is the planet of illusion, Pisceans travel in and out of the world of fantasy. This might be their perception of people around them, their goals, or just everyday fantasies. They prefer to see the world in technicolor, even if the truth is just black and white. We can just call them creative thinkers.

The Pisces woman is the most desired woman of all the signs, she is known to go with the flow and have all the positive aspects of passivity.

The Pisces man might retreat into his imaginary world when things get troubled. The world is so much prettier with rose colored glasses.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What a week! Blame the eclipse last week...or prepare to blame the one next week.

This is the reason I started this blog. My good friends and former colleagues would all be chattering about what a tough week they'd had or what weird energy they were feeling and it'd signal in my head something I'd read in astrology. I'd let them know with my very limited understanding, that it was probably a full moon, or Mercury was in retrograde or like last week and next week - there's been / will be an eclipse. We'd all feel validated. 

I just noticed a trend of complaints on social media and from friends, so I thought I'd validate you guys again.....and then we can all just enjoy Thanksgiving. 

Last week on November 13 there was a solar eclipse. 

A solar eclipse is when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, blocking out the path between the Sun and the Earth.  The solar eclipse on November 13 lasted about 4 minutes. It took place when the Sun was in Scorpio (we are between the dates of October 23 and November 22 yes?) this eclipse might affect those with Scorpio in their charts the most. 

What does this mean for us on earth? Eclipses are known, in the astrological world, to cause change or maybe stir up some tumultuous activity -  a shake up, something uncomfortable  - but all for the sake of change. Think about an eclipse making the ground shake over here, so you will move over there.  Eclipses usually bring about endings so something new can enter your life. Solar eclipses are always when it is a New Moon (the start of the lunar cycle), which is good for beginnings.

Next week, on November 28, will be another eclipse. Eclipses tend to run in pairs. This time it will be a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse is when the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun blocking out the Sun's light to the Moon (the moon sits in the Earth's shadow). This eclipse will be in Gemini (which will be the sign of the Moon that day) and when the Moon is full. The Moon represents our emotional side, so while the solar eclipse may effect your more outward actions or thoughts, the lunar eclipse could effect your emotions. But in the end, these eclipses are all about change, transformation and shaking things up. What fun!

If I were to get deeper, I'd talk about your individual charts, and where Gemini and Scorpio sit in your could play a game of match, trying to see what area of life these eclipses might effect. But I think that's getting a little complicated, because it even confuses me. But don't you doubt I'm about to go look it up for myself. I'll keep you posted on what is changing in my life, although I have a few pretty good ideas. 

The last eclipses were May 20 and June 4 of this year. I don't know what you all were doing but I was in the process of preparing to resign from my job of 9.5 years to start my own business. I'd call that a shake up! 

Here's a site that gives eclipses a little more explanation, if you'd like to read up on it.

If  you are an over achiever and want the detailed explanation, check out

Monday, November 19, 2012

Aquarius the Water Bearer

You may as well consider them the time travelers, because that Aquarian you've met has one foot set in the future, maybe even two feet. His most valuable possessions are his thoughts and those are kept safely light years ahead of yours.

Dates: January 20 - February 18
Symbol: Water Bearer
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus
Action: Fixed

I'm gonna be honest. No matter how much I read up on Aquarius, I can't quite grasp what they are really about. Maybe that has to do with what I said above? How can I possibly understand an Aquarius or what they represent when they are light years ahead of the rest of us? I'm gonna try to lay it out, as best I understand. Bear with me here.

Aquarians are people of the mind and are best in their element when analyzing and unearthing information about people, places, things, topics, ideas, varieties of grapefruits, taboo religions,  nebulous philosophies and anything else you can possibly think of. Their thoughts are progressive, but not really tied down to logic necessarily. You might challenge them to an argument or a debate, but their way of thinking will probably lose you at some point because their mind pulses on its own wavelength. They are fascinated by the undefined and will spend a lot of time picking it apart.

The one thing that ties them down and helps us to define these potentially quirky folks are their opinions and ideas. THOSE are fixed, as in, you ain't gonna change their minds. Some call it stubborn; astrology calls it a fixed sign. They'll be quick to tell you what they think and why they think it, but really have no interest to try to sway you to join their side. They 'get' that everyone operates differently and have no ego attached to trying to get people to buy into their way of being. Maybe this is why they are know to be great humanitarians. They have a true understanding of what makes people unique. And with this, they tend to collect themselves many friends.

Personality wise, Aquarius can come across as aloof and emotionally detached. As an air sign, they operate with their minds and don't tend to be emotional or dramatic. This could be mistaken for cold when they are just being objective. But then   they'll randomly and passionately veer off the beaten track onto some new interest or hobby because of a new fangled idea they have picked up on their journey of the mind. There is a fine line between genius and crazy town and the Aquarian mind straddles it.

Aquarius men tend to like mysterious women. It gives him a good brain workout to try and figure them out.

She's generous and has many friends, but you'll first and foremost keep your Aquarian woman interested by feeding her mind.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mercury in retrograde and the hanging chad.

Does this short planetary phrase "Mercury in retrograde" sound familiar? It's become about as familiar and not understood as the full moon.

Mercury is retrograde today....November 6, USA election day.
Every astrological website I have been reading is talking about this 'Mercury in retrograde' falling on election day and what it possibly could mean for voting and the results.

So let me start with WHAT it is... The phenomenon of Mercury in retrograde (ie moving backwards) is only an optical illusion which means the planet Mercury slows down and seemingly goes backwards in comparison to Earth. Think about two trains speeding along at the same speed when one slows down. It APPEARS to go backwards. Well Mercury slows down on it's speeding tracks and stations tonight around 6pm.

The planet Mercury rules communications among other things, so it is said ...(astrologically that is)....that when Mercury moves backwards, communications go haywire. Cell phones, computers, conversations, contracts: It's a terrible time for communication!  Conversely, it is a GOOD time to back to old jobs, old relationships, or any anything that involves going back over old ground. But I is why I am telling you this TODAY of all days.

Let's examine, in 5 words or less, the election of 2000 - Bush / Gore - hanging chads - Florida - you remember right? Well Mercury was in retrograde on that election day. IN-TUH-REST-ING! I'd call that some messed up communicating! You with me? So in summary, the websites I have been perusing have suggested that a similar communication malfunction may happen today and effect the election just like 2000. We shall see I guess.....

For more in Mercury in retrograde, check out this link:

Monday, October 29, 2012

Why yes, today IS a full moon.

Are your senses tingling? Are people looking crazy eyed?
So THIS time, yes it IS a full moon.

Today's full moon is in Taurus. Remember how I mentioned that the moon changes signs every few days. The moon is the celestial body closest to the earth - its orbit is smaller, thus it changes signs faster than say, Jupiter or other farther away planets. Well anyway, it's in Taurus today.

Full moons in certain signs can signify certain things. Let's flip back to my post about the sign of Taurus....earthy and solid. (Stay tuned, because I am gonna overuse the word earth in this post.) This moon will be a grounding moon. It will probably shine a practical reality on your life or a situation. Taurus is not about imagination, depth or dreams. Taurus is about worth, earthly possessions, sensuality (things you can experience with your earthly physical body) and because ruled by Venus, relationships.  You may get clarity on what in your life has a more practical earthly value, what you should keep, what you should toss. You could want to experience physical things - think about taste, touch, sight - so get a massage, make a delicious meal or go hang out in nature.

Another thing about Full moons . . . while they highlight one sign (this time Taurus), they also stand opposite another sign (Taurus's opposite sign is Scorpio). If you are a Taurus, you may feel this full moon more than other signs. Also, if you are Scorpio, you may feel challenged by this full moon since it stands in opposition to you. Check out's post below explaining more. But the gist: these two signs will work to balance each other out. Taurus is stable solid and here on earth while Scorpio is deep, transformative and relating to the 'other side'. You'll feel both pulling on each other.

Speaking of the other side.....Here is something else kind of awesome and creepy and um, AWESOME. It is said that this time of year, the veil between the worlds in the thinnest. This kind of explains the timing of Halloween right? So now is a good time to commune with the other side, your past lives, those that have passed away, your guides on the other side.....get a little spiritual! If you run into someone that you've never met but just seems SO familiar, don't brush it aside - maybe it's a spiritual connection!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Capricorn the Goat

Ever meet one of those people that seems beyond their years? As in they are 7 years old, but seem 70? He or she is probably a Capricorn.

Dates: December 22 -January 20
Symbol: The Goat
Element: Earth
Action: Cardinal
Planet: Saturn

Another one of the earth signs, these folks are grounded, practical and reliable. Some might call them boring. But I ask you....what do you envision when you picture a goat? A mere kid at the petting zoo? You should reassess your vision, because most Capricorns are actually the mountain goat standing on a craggy mountain cliff; the one you look at and wonder how in the heck they made their way up there. 

Goats may not have the vibrant energy of the Aries or the charm of the Leo, but their ambition is strong. And it's all those 'boring' qualities: discipline, caution, steadiness that win them the race. They don't make false moves, or really even let anyone know their desire to compete but before you know it they are at the top of the mountain while you are still hiking the trails. 

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is the planet of life lessons and responsibility, so Capricorns LOVE  rules. Rules are such a cut and dry guideline for them. They value tradition and tend to skew conservative. But don't be so quick to imagine an old stodgy goat, because with these traits, their character is also strong and reliable.

Maybe they don't take a ton of risks, but Capricorns are resourceful  (their version of creative.) They can solve for dilemmas, and tend to be the go to when friends need help. It's also said that Capricorns don't really tend to 'bloom' until late in life. Maybe it's that reverse aging? Stodgy as a kid and then they loosen up as they get older to open up their world. 

Capricorn men can often be loners because they are more focused on their careers, and because they are cautious, it takes a lot to win their trust. 

The discriminating Capricorn woman believes in love, but observes and waits before making her move.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sagittarius the Archer

Hey there Sagittarius. Need some help prying your foot out of your mouth? Yeah? Awww, that's what I thought.

Dates: November 23 - December 21
Symbol: The Archer
Element: Fire
Action: Mutable
Planet: Jupiter

The Sagittarius folks are full of optimism and are always on some kind of journey to seek out knowledge and truth. Often that truth falls right out of their mouth before their brain has time to filter! They are so naively positive that they don't even realize what they said might offend the target.

"Hey Johnny congrats on winning the 5K, I am totally impressed! I didn't know someone so heavy could run that fast!".......

Oops, It is out in the open before any of the rest of us can flinch or better yet, leave the room. The blunt truth that Sagittarii (do we call them Sagittarii?, I don't know astrology plurals) are known for is never for meant to harm someone. It's just that matter of factness is part of their nature and they don't quite know how to soften what they say with care.

This vibrant sign is fueled by their element of fire and moves forward with ease. They are known for being leaders and inspiring others to act. Friendly, funny and easygoing, they have friends from all walks of life. But it's also a restless sign (because they are mutable) and moves forward with such blind positivity that sometimes they neglect to proceed with caution and can be a bit careless.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and this influences the Archers by giving them a strong desire for freedom and to push the envelope. They don't want to keep their mind or even their physical self trapped inside any boundaries. For that reason, they are likely to be spiritual, love travel and adventure.

Don't ask your Sagittarius man if your jeans make your butt look big, unless you are wanting to hear you look like JLo. He means no harm by the comment and will probably make up for it with some humorous follow-up quip.

Sagittarius ladies are flirtatious and seek out a pretty unique soul to partner with if they are ever going to commit.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Scorpio the Scorpion

Approach with caution. Those steely piercing eyes you are looking into are those of a Scorpio - the most intense sign of the zodiac.

Dates: October23 - November 22
Symbol: Scorpion
Element: Water
Planet: Pluto
Action: Fixed

Scorpios have a reserved intensity that hides behind their calm poise. They are fixed sign and act deliberately. When they speak, they mean what they say, so take their compliments seriously. If they say you look good today, you look good! Snap a picture with your iphone and put that sucker on Facebook for the world to see. Scorpios don't flatter, they speak the truth. Aaaand on the flip side... Scorpios speak the truth. If you aren't interested in hearing a matter of fact, straightforward answer. Don't ask. 

This is a water sign, representative of emotions. But despite the bubbling emotions that lie inside, Scorpios manage to keep a serene facade while their investigative minds are hard at work. Trust that while in a casual conversation with a Scorpio, they are sensing your true intentions, motives and planning their next move. 

Ruled by Pluto, a Scorpio is a detective, interested in religion, death and sex and all things taboo. They likewise dive into the depths of every aspect of their life with passion, whether that be work, love, or their rather interesting hobbies. They are one of the signs of the zodiac most likely to be psychic and can make you feel like they are seeing through to your core.

Forces to be reckoned with, the Scorpios are determined and steadfast. They will move towards their goal with amazing willpower while managing to make strategic moves that aren't so transparent to their opponents. They make loyal friends but make a false move with a Scorpio and prepare to be pierced with their stinger and feel the burn. Ouch! Revenge is one of the most well known traits of a Scorpio. It's both fascinating, feared and revered, much like that creepy critter picture above. 

The Scoprio lady will hypnotise you with her womanly charm, but always keep a few things away from you in her vault. Those few things, you will never know.

Don't be fooled by the neutral demeanor he shows you at first, the Scorpio man is passionate and likewise possessive. It's best to know what you are getting in to before you engage.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Libra the Scales

Here is Libra, the balancer of the zodiac. Peace, balance, harmony, justice? It's always flowers swaying in a gentle breeze with these folks....

Did I write always? Nope, I was wrong.  Here's why....

Dates: September 23 - October 22
Symbol: The Scales
Element: Air
Planet: Venus
Action: Cardinal

Libra is symbolized by the scales, that balancing tool with the two little dishes on each side. You put one thing in one dish and it causes that side to dip, you put something in the other dish on the other side and it dips again. That is, until you put two equal things on each side, THEN you have balance. Imagine your Libra as these scales with personality dipping one way and then the other until they can find that precious middle ground. This is a Libra. Libra SEEKS balance, Libra CRAVES balance, Libra is ALL OVER THE PLACE until that one moment where it can finally find it.  Otherwise it's ever changing contradictory moods and personality caused by that swinging scale. But hey, some of these moods are pretty darn fun!

A Libra is a natural devils advocate, never fully committing to a side of the story. It's not that they are wanting to be argumentative or contradictory (but they are known to argumentative and contradictory), it's that they truly feel like each side deserves their say. You may want the room painted blue and they are gonna tell you why yellow deserves a fair chance, agree to yellow and they'll tell you why blue is a good color too. It's only fair to the paint colors OK!???  They often come across as indecisive or uncommitted. But really Libras are just champions for the underdog, wanting to play a fair game, trying to maintain peace at all cost. And yes, a unloved paint color COULD be considered an underdog.

The element of air, represents strength of the mind and Libras are intellectual, great strategists and can convince people to go their way with their winning charm. They have the depth and smarts to fully analyze a situation and investigate both sides. But it's when they get stuck in the non-committal processes of weighing options that they tend to be a people pleaser and will let someone else decide. I mean let's not rock the boat, ok? That's not to say Libras can't decide, but if they do pick a side, they'll always be open to new information, because that's fair.

Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, the graceful Librans are also the sign most associated with relationships. Libras LOVE love and LOVE having a person around. You will seldom find them alone; it just doesn't feel right to them. They are idealistic in their romantic relationships and tend to be idealistic about their partners.  Their desire for balanced relationships extends to all kind of relationships and a Libra knows how to fight to maintain harmony.

Although they can be a little indecisive, Libra men have the capability to charm the pants off his lady...(charm the pants...that's just an expression).

Libra ladies may argue a point but you won't feel it one bit as they'll smile through the whole discussion and you'll end up being happy to agree with them.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Virgo the Virgin

Get yo'self in's the most orderly folks of the zodiac, the Virgos!

Dates: August 23 - September 22
Symbol: Virgin
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Action: Mutable

Let's not take the meaning of Virgo's symbol, the virgin, too literally. Think of the virgin metaphor to apply more so to Virgo's personal ideals and sense of self. Those are to remain pure and not to be tampered with. Their meticulous way of being must remain in tact, and their chastity belt?...let's be real here, not so much.

Since I am blowing the roof off these stereotypes, I'll go ahead and tell you this....While practical and meticulous in mind, the fastidiousness of their being doesn't necessarily extend to their environment. Yes, there are messy Virgos! It's more so that there is a certain order to their way of doing things that they don't like to vary from. They have an insane attention to detail in every aspect of life - from their work, to themselves, to who they choose as mates. But if you think there is no hope of them finding last week's Target receipt in their beyond cluttered bedroom, you are wrong. They know exactly where it is... in the clothes hamper, tucked in the pocket of their dirty jeans that they wore to Target last week, DUH!

Ruled by Mercury which is the same planet that rules Gemini, Virgos share the nervous fidgety qualities that the Geminis possess. They are checking off a constant check list in their ever moving minds. It's also described that Virgos are somewhat wallflowers, standing back from the crowd. They are reserved and don't go about trying to gain the attention of others. *
(*I will make a side note here. One of the Virgos in my life is the funniest center of attention, non-wallflower I know. BUT this is where you chart comes in, because your Sun sign is only about 80% of who you are. A Virgo with other prominent outgoing signs in their chart could vary from this.....I'll report back on what I find out about my actress of a Virgo cousin).

Virgos are the same way about their body as they are about the outside world. They get out of sorts when anything is off . Some call this hypochondria.....ok, it IS hypochondria. And it's the reason your Virgo buddy left that party early, or can't go out, or doesn't think they can make it on that trip. They've got some stomach ache again that is really just their excuse to avoid doing something that doesn't interest them. It's part of THEIR interest in keeping their minds and bodies pristine.

As important as it is for them to tend to themselves, Virgos also have a sense of duty to others. They'll jump in to help you re-organize your clutter, thoughts, excel spreadsheets, etc with no real desire for the limelight or to get ahead. Their work ethic is true and is one of the most prominent traits. And they are a mutable sign, so can easily move with change if they need to.

The practical Virgo man isn't one to romance a lady, but once he finds a person who fits his 175 page checklist, he is hers for life.

While she's a perfectionist, the Virgo lady would rather stay true to her sense of self than follow rules of society.

Sound like you? Yes? No.... ok then.

I would like to issue a caveat. Many of these descriptors come from my head and from books/ websites etc that I have read. This is also a bit of a Cliff Notes version of the book "Linda Goodman's Sun Signs," and um,  Google's recommended websites :). If you are wanting to read a bit further on your signs or other folks - I highly recommend the afore-mentioned book. It was right on for me!

If this is your first time reading: check out the prior post about your signs and chart....then come here.

I'll be posting each day about a new sign.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Leo the Lion

RAWRRRRR! Meet Leo the lion, the King (or Queen) of the all the animals. At least that is how they feel about themselves.

Dates: July 23 - August 22
Symbol: Lion
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Action: Fixed

Leo's planetary ruler is the Sun, and if you aren't familiar with our solar system, let me fill you in: all the planets revolve around the Sun. Now you can imagine how a Leo envisions themselves. But they take this role very seriously. They are judicious, generous, and lead with their hearts,  but step on their toes or insult their lovely mane and the breath of the lion will whip across your face from their mighty roar like the winds of a hurricane. They'll expect you to sense their latest kill in their breath, but most of us are well aware they just ate tuna from a can like most nice kitties do. 

Like any good royal, Leo's love the lavish life. They'd rather spend all their pennies toward one really nice designer coat, than have 3 cheaper ones for half the cost. They don't watch their money; it's more important to have nice things, experiences, or food. And if you are ever invited into the King's castle, you'd get the same treatment from them. Who doesn't want to experience a royal feast? Befriend a Leo!

Leos love being in love. They rule the relationship but expect to be lavished with compliments and praise. This is when you can witness these cats purrrrrr. Just give up a little pet behind the ear.

Leo's are a fixed sign which means they are committed. They make good leaders, and always want to be the center of attention. And with their warm, gregarious extroversion (and great stage presence), it's usually where they end up. They are that kid that asks you to watch them perform their new dance routine - over and over again! It's because they know they are THAT delightful. But for all that singing and dancing they do for their royal court, they are gonna need as much time to rest and relax (imagine how a cat likes to laze in the sun and not be bothered).

Leo ladies are most likely to be the ring leader of their huge group of friends. She's got the creative ideas, is charismatic, and people want to follow.

Prepare to treat your Leo man like a king and he'll treat you like a royal. But you are part of his court, so he's gonna want to be well aware of what his lady is up to.

Sound like you? Yes? No.... ok then.

I would like to issue a caveat. Many of these descriptors come from my head and from books/ websites etc that I have read. This is also a bit of a Cliff Notes version of the book "Linda Goodman's Sun Signs," and um,  Google's recommended websites :). If you are wanting to read a bit further on your signs or other folks - I highly recommend the afore-mentioned book. It was right on for me!

If this is your first time reading: check out the prior post about your signs and chart....then come here.

I'll be posting each day about a new sign.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cancer the Crab

Come IN!!! Make yourself at hooooooome. Do you want something to eat? to drink? I made a cheese plate for your arrival, but no worries if you're vegan I think I have some hummus. . .
Meet Cancer, the nurturer of the zodiac.

Dates: June 21 - July 22

Symbol: Crab
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Action: Cardinal

Cancers have that natural maternal instinct that wants to take care of you. This sign is so empathetic and sensitive (and the sign most likely to be psychic) that it can feel what you feel. They are know for their expressive nature which can have you feeling what THEY feel, if they so choose to reveal what's in their head, which isn't often.

Now, if you aren't wanting to reveal all YOUR secret insides, then avoid Cancer. They have a gentle non-judgemental understanding that will get you to spill your guts. It's because you know it's always secure in the Cancer vault (which contains every word and experience since birth - they are known for their freakish memories) This sign represents security...AND seeks it. Security can come in the form of home, money or food for Cancers. They can never have enough money and they won't show it off - it's a defense to protect them from that unforeseen thing that MIGHT happen down the road! For this reason, no sign in the zodiac is better with money than Cancer.

Now don't be fooled by these mushy descriptors of Cancer.  If you're wondering who that witty person is laughing uncontrolably, it might be a Cancer. The Cancer folks are known for their sense of humor but it might catch you off guard as it comes to the surface of their usual gentle, unassuming demeanor.

Despite all the emotions, Cancer is not a weak's a cardinal sign which means these people are self-starters. Don't mistake that for direct, if you think of how a crab scuttles sideways around issues and never directly towards the thing it wants. Then, out of nowhere it grabs on with it's claws with a tenacious grip that won't let go.

Don't be confused by the Cancer man and his changeable moods, he'll have you laughing til your belly aches one minute then calling him a grumpy old man the next.

See above for the description of the crab (scuttling sideways with that hard shell), and then assemble your tactics for pursuing the Cancer woman.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Gemini the Twins

Meet Gemini! Or should I say meet Gemini and Gemini? No need to uncross your eyes, May and June borns folks have a double personality blending reality and illusion that will have you seeing double.

Dates: May 21- June 20

Symbol: Twins
Planet: Mercury
Elements: Air
Action: Mutable

But as they say, double your fun: This quick witted communicative sign has a mind that moves so quickly from one interest to another, it's best diagnose it as the ADHD sign of the zodiac. As quickly as a Gemini has educated you on the intricacies of some random subject matter.... "OOOooooh Shiny!!!"  (stage direction: exit Gemini)


Let me explain... They've flitted away to the next shiny object that got their attention. But they'll swing back around the next time tantalizing you with the interesting facts of said shiny object with pure excitement.

Being an air sign, they rarely have both feet on the ground. You shouldn't expect a Gemini to stay in one place, mindset, or mood for that matter for more than a short time. It's just in their nature. Routine freaks them out, as does conservative mind sets - Geminis don't want to be pinned down to even an opinion; because um, .....  there might be new groundbreaking information around the next corner!!! Ok so, they may not be passionate about one subject for long but they are certainly passionate about constantly seeking out the next thing that gets the blood pumping to their brain.

Gemini is a master of words and communication (they are ruled by Mercury representing these things) complete with intelligence and an ability to disguise their motives. Rest assured, they are thinking one step ahead of you at all times. What they lack in persistence and patience, they make up for in their charm, and adaptability. They are mutable sign after all, and mutable signs are great at moving with the flow.

The unpredictable Gemini man is mentally driven and seeks someone that can match their intelligence and change with them; don't expect to get a rock steady in the wind.

With her multiple personalities, the Gemini woman is a one stop shop and needs a man that appreciates 10 women in one! On the bright side she is sharp and witty, but can come across as fickle and unpredictable.

Sound like you? Yes? No.... ok then.

I would like to issue a caveat. Many of these descriptors come from my head and from books/ websites etc that I have read. This is also a bit of a Cliff Notes version of the book "Linda Goodman's Sun Signs," and um,  Google's recommended websites :). If you are wanting to read a bit further on your signs or other folks - I highly recommend the afore-mentioned book. It was right on for me!

If this is your first time reading: check out the prior post about your signs and chart....then come here.

I'll be posting each day about a new sign.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Taurus the Bull

Taurus glyph
Solid, Firm, Unwavering.  This is how the Taurus clan may best describe themselves. 
The rest of us? Well, we just call them stubborn.

Dates: April 20 - May 20
Symbol: the Bull
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Action: Fixed

But it's true that a Taurus has unmatched fortitude, that's for sure. Despite the rumored temper of the bull, most Taurus folks will put up with all sorts of elements coming their way with poise and control before they blow. And then when that last straw "breaks the camels back," - Holy hell watch out! Anyone with a Taurus in their life, KNOWS what I mean. 

Although they possess a similar power, Taurus folks are not going to charge forward like Aries the Ram. They are a fixed sign which means they don't like change. They will make steady moves toward their end goal and often like for people to come to them. For example, they'll prefer to have people to their home for dinner, over bar hopping.

Speaking of home, the earthy sign of Taurus will try to root themselves by owning land in some way shape or form. They are associated with the sign of Venus which symbolizes love, and money, so earthly pleasures and possessions are important to Taurus. Accumulating wealth slowly and steadily represents security. And with the ones they love, they will be generous with that wealth.

The Taurus man will win you over, not with tricks up his sleeve,  nor with his witty conversation or by showing off but with a slow and steady showcase of his affections and offer of security and protection.

The Taurus woman won't engage in drama - if she doesn't like something, she'll simply avoid it. She also is led by her senses - her sense of smell, taste and touch are heightened. She's probably the one at the office with fresh flowers at her desk or with that lovely perfume. 

Whatever you do, don't try and change a Taurus - Each move you make to alter their stance will have them root more firmly into the earth with their unwavering stubborn, er, hardheaded, um, . . . .firmness and sensibility!

Sound like you? Yes? No.... ok then.

I would like to issue a caveat. Many of these descriptors come from my head and from books/ websites etc that I have read. This is also a bit of a Cliff Notes version of the book "Linda Goodman's Sun Signs," and um,  Google's recommended websites :). If you are wanting to read a bit further on your signs or other folks - I highly recommend the afore-mentioned book. It was right on for me!

If this is your first time reading: check out the prior post about your signs and chart....then come here.

I'll be posting each day about a new sign.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Aries the Ram

Are you impulsive, warm and generous, have un-parallelled confidence?
Perhaps you are an Aries. Perhaps? perhaaaaaps?

Aries is the Ram and the first sign of the zodiac representing birth. Look at that firey thing below! If that's not warm, I don't know what is.

Dates: March 21 - April 19

Symbol: Ram
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Action: Cardinal

Aries is the symbolic newborn baby of the zodiac, (how precious)....and much like a newborn, Aries can be mainly focused on their own needs. Their whims come first. They can't help it, it's just how they operate. You wouldn't fault a baby for asking for milk, now would you? That's what I thought.

And much like a newborn you can rest assured there's nothing ill intended about Arien actions. They are optimistic and idealistic and may just be a little impulsive with the actions they take to get to their end goal. It might be wise to get behind an Aries if you want someone to help you plow forward. I'm just sayin'.

Anyone who has an Aries friend 'tell it like it is', is aware of their refreshing bluntness and honesty. We all need that in our life - and for Aries folks it comes from a good place. Gotta just keep that in mind next time you are taken aback by an Arien that tells you "that shirt looks like crap." Change the shirt and thank the Aries person for telling you something no one else had the balls to. Thanks Aries!

All signs of the zodiac have several symbols which represent it.

A Symbol (which is a Ram for the Ariens)
An element: That'd be fire, water, earth or air
A planet or celestial body
An action: mutable, fixed, or cardinal (meaning to drive forward)

Aries is represented by the planet Mars (the God of war), the element of fire and is a cardinal sign. It doesn't get much more action oriented and forward moving than that. . . (In the positive and negative sense of the words.) Aries are the leaders of the zodiac.

An Aries man is said to be the most passionate of the signs.  But don't ever make the first move.

He is also idealistic in love and about his woman. He wants to believe she doesn't wear mud masks and that her skin is naturally just that soft - you get the idea.

An Aries Woman, wants to be the leader but is also very loyal. She is a warm, generous, might have to remind herself not to get her own doors and sometimes doesn't understand if a man doesn't fall for her charms. Now that is true self confidence.

Sound like you? Yes? No.... ok then.

I would like to issue a caveat. Many of these descriptors come from my head and from books/ websites etc that I have read. This is also a bit of a Cliff Notes version of the book "Linda Goodman's Sun Signs," and um,  Google's recommended websites :). If you are wanting to read a bit further on your signs or other folks - I highly recommend the afore-mentioned book. It was right on for me!

If this is your first time reading: check out the prior post about your signs and chart....then come here.

I'll be posting each day about a new sign.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's more than just 'hey baby what's your sign'

I posted last time about some pretty complicated goings on in the sky which could explain away 'a hard week.' told me that you enjoyed the post but were utterly confused SO, I thought I'd simplify and start from the very beginning. Your sign....and your chart.

Most people are most familiar with their Sun sign. That is determined, simply, by your birthday. You are an Aries, a Taurus, etc (see the bottom of this post in case you don't know your Sun sign). This is the sign you refer to when describing yourself or flipping to the astrological predications section of a magazine or website.

But you know as well as I do, there are more than just 12 personality types in this world and not everyone born in say, July, is the same. So I have an explanation for that....your astrological chart! Each of us not only has a birthDAY, but a time, and a place. And these details help determine our charts.
Here is why: the sun isn't the only 'planet' in the sky right? And yeah, got it, I know the sun isn't technically a planet, but you see what I mean. There is also Venus, Mars, and the questionable Pluto and the non-planet Moon. All of these celestial bodies effect us, what happens here on earth and because they were all in certain positions in the sky at your birth, all these celestial bodies play as much a part of your personality as your Sun sign.

Each planet in your chart was in a certain sign at the time of your birth. While the Sun may have been in Gemini (which is your Sun sign), the Moon may have been in Aries, Mercury maybe was in Taurus, Jupiter in Cancer etc. Each of those planets.....represent a different aspect of your life (from your emotions, to your money, to your love life and passion) and the sign that they are in is HOW you operate in THAT area of your life.

THIS is a chart....

I think that is enough to take in for now? yes?....But  in the next week or so, I will post a short description of the 12 astrological sun signs and some key traits. See if they match up!

Then we'll dig into you chart. . .

Aries:  March 21 - April 19
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Leo: July 23 - August 21
Virgo: August 22 - September 23
Libra: September 24 - October 23
Scorpio: October 24 - November 22
Sagittarius: November 23 - December 222
Capricorn: December 23 - January 20
Aquarius: January 21 - February 19
Pisces: February 20 - March 20

Monday, August 20, 2012

Did last week wear you the Hell out?

Yeah????  Me too!!! ..... And NO, it wasn't a full moon.

This is VENUS, Not the moon.

Astrology might be my counselor of sorts, making sense of the calm, the drama, the hectic-ness, the joy, etc. But usually we don't look for an explanation of joy or calm....we look for an explanation of those days or weeks that made you say WHAT THE HELL!?!

The moon is the astrological body most visible to us and what 'traditionally' is known to make people act out of sorts or turn into warewolves. So, it makes sense we'd jump to this conclusion first. But NO, there was no full moon.

I was just talking to a friend who mentioned what an emotionally tiring week she had last week and I felt the same. Just LOTS going on; not good or bad, just LOTS.

I thought I'd enter into the realm of posting here on my new blog with some astrological explanation.  It seems that it makes us feel better if we realize it wasn't US that made it was the stars. Damn those stars, garrrrrr!

Let me preface by saying, I don't really 'get' all this either. I'm not an astrologer at all. But I like to keep up with what might be going on in the heavens.  I often read a web-site by an astrologer named "Anne Ortelee" / who gives lengthy, aspect based, perhaps over-my-head explanations of the "week ahead." She infuses a lot of emotion and information, but I usually finish reading her site and say "GAW!!! YEAH!!! THAT'S so true.....ahhhh." (something like that).

Here is a quick summary of what might have gone down last layman's terms.

All of our astrological bodies and planets move through signs just like the Sun does. Many of you are familiar with your Sun sign right? THIS is what makes you a Taurus or a Pisces or a Cancer. The Sun was in that sign when you were born. (but more on all this later.) The Sun isn't the only planet moving through different signs...all of our "My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas" planets are always moving, entering and exiting signs which makes them have different personalities. So do we understand all planets move through different signs at different times? They are always moving. Got it. Moving on.....

Oh Venus!

Now last week:
The lovely planet of Venus (which represents love and money) just moved out of the sign of Gemini into Cancer. This move makes Venus emotional. Why? Because Cancer is one of the emotional water signs the of the zodiac. Also, Cancer is also ruled but the moon and the moon changes signs and phases every few days.

SO...what does this all mean? It means that Venus in Cancer took our love/ money (possibly career or where you make your money) through many different emotional phases last week.
Saturn and Neptune formed opposing angles (or some kind of angles - here is where I get lost) with Venus last week (or maybe it was the moon). In any case THIS means that we saw limitations and perhaps where there was illusion with our love or money. (Saturn represents limitations and Neptune illusions).

Is that confusing? Yeah, to me too BUT you should try reading Anne's site. Anne also records a weekly Astrological podcast which I enjoy. She mentions all these confusing factors but really gives more counsel to how you can best handle the week ahead. It makes you feel at ease about what you can and can not control.

Anyway people...I'm sorry you had a busy, event filled week last week that wore you out, and I'm sorry it took me a whole page to get to one paragraph to explain why.

 Apparently this week is supposed to be better....still bumpy but better.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Astrology for dummies

I am a new age junky. A decently informed but very resourceful follower of all that hippie mumbo jumbo. And I want to know your sign.

I am an avid follower of my horoscope, astrological sites, love dream interpretation and to do my friends astrological charts. And a few of them suggested I start a blog so that they have context as to why their coworker just snapped at them, or why they feel emotional today etc.....and NO, it's not always the full moon. 

This blog is meant to be a collection of articles, sites and observations for those of you un-admitted new agers.